Derank bug keeps happening and I cant rank up

The derank bug has now happened to me twice and I literally cannot escape gold no matter how much I win. At first I thought “maybe I’m just losing too many games and I’m deranking.” But firstly, I’m not losing that many, and when the rank up animation plays, I’ll be in gold ranks, but the animation will depict that I’m Silver 4 ranking up to Silver 2 (for example). I’m so confused and actually really frustrated, what’s the point of playing comp if the bug is just going to set me back no matter what I do? :frowning:

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youre not alone, theres a bunch of people complaining about the same thing at the end of this guy’s thread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs


I never realised how many people are also facing the same problem, glad I’m not alone but this sucks omg

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No doubt there’s even more people who are experiencing this but haven’t made posts or I’ve missed. I do really appreciate you helping spread the word though it definitely makes my work easier.

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