Denied from level 3 user?

There is definitely an update time, as I wasn’t promoted immediately, but it shouldn’t take longer than a day…

You do appear to meet the suggested requirements so I’m not sure why you don’t have it yet. Have you ever been suspended in the last 100 days? (yes, I know some people say that suspensions don’t seem to affect it but… we can’t be certain as Discourse by default has it as a criteria)

I had mine on day 51.

Here’s the full list I’m aware of, that I believe to be unlocked for trust level 3:

  • Ability to turn your own post into a wiki
  • Ability to post links
  • Ability to post images
  • Flagging a post of a member that’s trust level 0 may immediately cause it to go hidden, instead of requiring X many flags
  • More daily ‘likes’


Here ya go

Well once, but it wasnt fair and after ticket they removed suspension so that shouldnt count.

i am also having the same issue

I honestly have no idea why you’re not a level 3.
I’ve seen a lot of odd cases, none of which the requirements listed here: I'm a Level 3 User now?! couldn’t solve, but yours takes the cake.

I’ll see what I can find out about why you haven’t received Tlevel3 and I’ll check back with you

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Strange, then I’m not sure. I can’t imagine that would still count.

Interesting fact of the day for anyone who’s curious, and hasn’t checked a profile that’s trust level 3 to know the following… 484 members out of 98006 members (0.49%~) are trust level 3 currently :slight_smile:.

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I didn’t know about the Wiki thing but the others I had known about and promptly not cared about.

I’m pretty sure that most users are most excited to post links and images. The others are just nice little additions.

For how long? 20 chars

it’s been like 3 days

It may still pop for you possibly i guess, iam over 10 days so iam not sure.

i don’t ever expect to get it lol

Indeed, if there was two things I’d like added to trust level 3 then that would be the ability to create a poll and a unique coloured border on the avatar icon (like blue or orange posts have, but less colourful).

Click on me!

Linking it is a help to the people who are curious, but I suggest not making it so ambiguous. Literally any context would help them out and get them to actually click it.

not true… i got a suspension for spam on the new forums. i still got trust3.

Ok. It seems you do meet all the requirements but this one may also be a factor: Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
(This requirement is also listed in the link I posted earlier)

So far I do not know of a way to see if someone has been flagged or not, nor do I know how to see if a mod confirmed it.

There may be some sort of glitch that prohibits you from reaching Tlevel3…
I ran into an error code three times before I could check your level and that’s never happened with any other profiles I’ve checked, so there’s that.

Anyway, that’s what I have so far, but I’ll dig some more and see what else I can find.


I have no idea what you have to do to get it

Thank you very much for detailed analysis!

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Of course, I’m always happy to help in any way possible

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