Deleting Q rez did not make hide n rez go away

Sorry, missclicked it :smiley:

You obviously haven’t watched the video that you linked me because in the first minute he explains why mass rez was something they didn’t want in their game.

If this game was balanced around ‘fun’ every hero would be beyond broken.

“It’s not fun to be headshot by Widowmaker and instakilled”
Better rework Widowmaker to be more fun to play against.

“It’s not fun to be stunned on main tank constantly”
Better rework all heroes with the ability to stun and maintanks to remove this interaction.

Balance takes priority over fun.

“disheartening to play against”

-Jeff Kaplan, explaining why Mass Rez got deleted

You are right, it was not the only way, and it sure was an option. An option that about 99% of the Mercy players used because it was highly more effective than staying in a fight. Ressing someone with the single ress still keeps Mercy in the heat of the battle even if she has to be smart and use a corner or cover.

And why do people keep saying Mercy is unfun now? She plays almost exactly the same as she did, except instead of 5 people, she can ress only 1, with the addition to fly a bit better during valkyrie. Mercy is not unfun to play now, she NEVER has been fun to play. She always has been a leech attached to another player. Playing Mercy is like saying you drove a ferrari, eventhough you were actually on the passanger seat the whole time.


That obviously wasn’t the sole reason and even if it was, the developers decided the mechanic didn’t belong in their game and made balance changes around it.

If this game was balanced around fun then there’d be no stuns, no oneshots, no snipers, no spam, no tanks, no dying and we’d all be sitting around talking in allchat.

Who called that hiding? Are you calling that hiding? Is it hiding when your team takes cover from a high noon? Is it hiding when your Rein shields a rocket barrage? Is it hiding when your D.Va DM’s and body blocks a tactical visor? Yes, you cam call it hiding, but the difference, which I’m just repeating myself here if you haven’t noticed, is the hide in old hide and res meant completely walking away from the team fight. You’d sit there in your little corner behind two walls, wait for that number to go up, come out of hiding, and dive in to resurrect the team.

I’m correcting your incorrect terminology, which your OP is centred around.

If you don’t see how your terminology and therefore overall op is incorrect after this, what, second explanation, I’m just moving on from someone who doesn’t want to take in information.

For the people who preferred tempo rez over hide n rez, Mercy plays very differently now.

You used to balance the line between daring and reckless to get your ult as fast as possible, taking a lot of calculated risks and paying the price if you got yourself killed.

You used to constantly be evaluating the behaviors of both teams, to determine who’s worth a solo rez and which enemy is most likely to try a flanking ult.

You used to always consider rezzing every time someone died, and adding up the possible outcomes every time.

You used to be constantly on the lookout for enemey ult dumps, and adjusting your positioning when you spider senses began to tingle so you had a chance to survive and give your team a second chance.

All of that is gone now.

sice it’s not instant it requires game sense to do si :slight_smile: that was the point of it

I think rez should just be gone

The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

Wow, you actually made an entire thread addressing the article without actually linking the article lol.

No. People don’t worry about trying to find the mercy or saving a team wiping ult anymore because she’s hiding.

What mercy is forced to do now is res people in smart situations where she wont get punished for it, or to res a player with the aid of her team.

Both of which have counter play

Counter play could have been added to Q rez, too.

My only real issue is mercy’s HPS nerf.

Mass rez was fun but when I first started playing, the common strat was hide and rez. Everyone would say to die on point and mercy to hide.
A little later I started learning tempo rez. That was more fun since you had to make a choice about who is worth saving and whether or not it’s best to keep it.

Rez as it is now is OK but boring.

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There’s literally no difference between old Mercy and new Mercy in this example.

You’re still doing the exact same thing and deciding which one person you’re gonna rez.

Again, if you find Mercy unfun now that’s entirely your fault, not the playerbase’s and certainly not the developer’s.

If you don’t enjoy playing a hero don’t play it, it’s common sense.

If someone made a post right now saying “Genji should get 8 second blade and big deflect hitbox back because I don’t enjoy playing him anymore” they’d be told to just not play Genji and if they kept insisting he needs those things back they’d be considered a troll or a bad player. So why is it OK for Mercy players to complain about not enjoying their hero anymore?

“I don’t enjoy playing Mercy, Mercy should be reverted to pre-rework so she can be fun again”

“I don’t enjoy playing Genji, Genji should be reverted to launch so he can be fun again”

There’s no real difference in these two statements but one would be considered trolling/idiocy and the other isn’t. It’s pathetic how hypocritical these forums are.

No. You can’t choose which person to rez if one of them died in an unsafe spot to stand still in for nearly 2 seconds. And you can’t do anything to counter flanking ults anymore.

Mmmmmm… no. If I was the only one who hated how Mercy’s turned out, there wouldn’t be ten megathreads dedicated to quarantining the waterfall of despair.

Sure, I play other heroes. But ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away. I want to add Mercy back to my hero pool.

Nah. Revert her, then rework her again except properly this time.

There are no comparisons to what’s happened to Mercy. She’s a bot now. Being a heal/rez bot that doesn’t require a shadow of the strategy, quick thinking and gamesense that she used to isn’t fun.

Tell me… who do you main? Do you have fun with them? Why?

I’m not saying your the only one, but you all simply need to suck it up and either quit the game or find a different hero you enjoy if you hate playing Mercy so much now.

If you really wanted to add a hero back to your hero pool you wouldn’t need balance changes made to them, it’s your fault that your don’t like playing Mercy anymore and don’t want to play her anymore, so if you really do want to add her back, play her as she is right now, she’s far from unplayable so there’s no justification for it.

She doesn’t need to be reverted then reworked again, she’s fine as is in terms of balance.

She still requires just as much gamesense as she previously did, gamesense isn’t actually a requirement to play any hero in this game, it’s a factor in overall skill but not at all in skill at a certain hero. A player’s gamesense from playing Mercy doesn’t suddenly vanish if they pick a different hero, if someone has good gamesense then they’ll retain that gamesense regardless of what hero they pick, same goes for a player with bad gamesense.

I fill, I usually lock Zenyatta or Genji though. I enjoy winning so I simply play whatever hero allows me to win the easiest, I believe I’m good at both of those heroes, moreso than others so I pick them for the greatest chance of winning the game. If those heroes got changed enough for me to think I didn’t have as much of a chance of winning and thus didn’t win as much (causing me to have less fun) I’d start picking something else.

Aren’t there a plethora of other heroes who have ults that work well being used as a surprise attack from a hiding spot? Like, how else are you gonna get kills with something like barrage or death blossom which leave you very vulnerable, or something like self-destruct with its massive startup?

Mercy was never the only one who got value from hiding, and just like how Mercy’s “hide and rez” could be used poorly with the user hiding and not healing, plenty of bad DPS mains will hide in a corner for 20 seconds waiting for the perfect opportunity to use their ult. This isn’t just a Mercy thing, and I don’t know why she’s the only one who gets called out for it.

Wait… you don’t play for fun? Really?

It looks like we’ve reached an impasse. I don’t think we can see eye-to-eye if only one of us plays for fun.

I play for fun, that fun comes from winning competitive games for me though.

For me, fun comes from challenging myself and going through the process of mastering a hero. Peak fun comes from mastering a hero, and using all the strats and tricks of the trade I’ve learned to be an asset to my team. It’s the feeling of “Don’t worry boys, I got this. I know what I’m doing and have 100% confidence because I am really good at this hero”

My complaint about Mercy is that the hero mastery curve flattened, and she isn’t challenging for me anymore. I can’t be an asset to the team on my own merit with Mercy anymore, because she’s just a healbot now.