
Dear Reaper Players and Mains! For far too long have we suffered at the hands of the railing. The struggle of trying to TP onto high ground because of that railing we can’t even obliterate because the spread of our guns are as big as a Plat Genji Main’s ego. For almost 3 years, we have suffered and now is our time to rise up and destroy our true foes!


Why can’t I post pictures on the fourms?

you need trust level 3

good luck with that


Endorsements like to flip me off

As a Lucio player I support this

Why is there a link to another thread in my post?


They should make it so shadowstep just ignores railings and other destructible things when targeting it and breaks them when you teleport.


Endorsements and Forum trust are separate systems.


They both flip me off

Frankly they need to just remove destructable objects from the game they truely serve no purpose

This whole railings issue is a firm fact blizzard doesn’t care, and its been there for years, they have no excuse.

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As a Hammie main, We acknowledge your suffering and more than happy to ROLL OVER THEM every where we go >:D


(Now this is a delete thread I can actually get behind)

As a partial Sym main, I agree!

Nerf Widow so she can’t get to high ground and punch railings before I can!

As a sym main I approve


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I went to Overbuff to see if the stats validate your claims.

It all checks out.

Cause someone was trying to link this post but linked your comment instead

I support this movement as a Pharah main.

I am tired of spending 28 of the 30 seconds of pre-match destroying railings in preparation for a tiny possible chance at booping someone off ledges

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“my back is tired from carrying these n00b supports what are you in kid gold?”

Symm players also know this feel, approved.

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I don’t play much Reaper, but I hate railings when trying to place a quick telle with Symm.