Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

I love how now i cant play the game due to only having a landline. Great change blizzard.


"Most FTUE restrictions are lifted while in a group, so new players can team up with their friends at any time to play almost any game modes. Competitive is the exception to this rule because new players must complete a specific challenge to access this game mode. "
Will the 50 qp games still count if you are playing them in a group or does it need to be solo q? If it needs to be solo q that would suck.

Recording my voice?

Not particularly comfortable with that, can you just let us keep playing overwatch 1?


Blizz used to manually read every report back before they switched to the silence system in 2016. It’s totally on them.

To be fair, this kind of info hiding has been around since original beta overwatch. It’s really condescending to treat people like emotionally fragile babies and hide useful information (like SR rank in comp!) because of “implicit bias.”

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Blizzard are clowns, from top to bottom.

I don’t know if it’ll stop smurfs/trolls. But it will stop me from playing, and I sure as heck am neither.
Peace out Blizz. Hope you find a delightful new owner who has you create nothing but the finest of corporate games. What? Come on! Don’t you have a phone?!


lol. now that’s some horse hockey right there. If you think Blizz will limit their discretion in the EULA, you’ve got another thing coming. I wouldn’t be surprised if your voice data was sold to voice-text translating companies for testing before the 30days are up. No way will blizz limit what they can do with that data.


Audio recordings only occur if you’re reported in game and even then they’re only going to be used for transcribing by speech to text software after which they recording will be deleted.

If you don’t say anything in chat worthy of being reported then you’re not going to have your voice recorded.

The voice file is deleted immediately upon being transcribed to text. It’s the text data that is slated for deletion within 30 days.

I wonder how this voice recorder is going to work, anyway.

Say I drop a single N bomb in voice and then say nothing for the rest of the match. The only way the voice recorder could help there is if it’s constantly recording a rolling block of time and is capable of capturing voice comms that happen before the report is received.

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Well, I’m in the same boat. My daughter and I have been playing OW1 since launch, in good standing. I have a 5 star endorsement rating that has never dropped once. I think I own every game Blizzard has ever released. I have all the physical collectors of the WoW, Diablo and Starcraft games. Been a patron of Blizzard for basically all 31 years. I mostly only play WoW and OW nowadays, but effective immediately Overwatch 1 is canceled and I cannot play the replacement because I chose Cricket for my middle-class family because it is honestly cheaper, better and more convenient than the big 3 garbage providers.

If they reverse this stance, or make adjustments so that more providers work, then I will happily play with my daughters again. But if they are literally taking away something I’ve put over 1000 hours and probably as many dollars (I have every single skin in the game except OWL ones) unless I meet some ridiculous requirement to go sign a phone contract (?!?!?!?!) then I just can’t support their company.

I thought I might even contact CS such that they must make an exception and at least have a manual process for registering phone numbers in circumstances like these. Assuredly they would not just leave us out in the cold?!

Well all the conversation seems to say otherwise, and I would probably only end up losing my temper. It’s too bad, so sad, and if I could curse on these forums I would because this is just egregious and unacceptable. At a bare minimum, original OW accounts in good standing should be grandfathered in, maybe even Founders Pack purchasers excluded from the requirement.

So my WoW sub is canceled (thankfully I hadn’t bought Dragonflight yet, since I was gonna grab the physical collectors again) and the games are uninstalled (since I can’t play them) I was totally going to buy the most expensive OW2 “Founders” pack as well.

But at least I’ll never have to worry about buying another ActiBlizz game again. I have enough of a backlog anyway, and how could I possibly give money to a company that would make this type of anti-consumer decision? They could decide at any time that WoW requires a phone number and then I get locked out of that, too?! I’ve seen the requirement on other games, particularly the free version of Warzone, but I always assumed that was the nature of the completely F2P business model, and I couldn’t complain if I didn’t want to pay the asking price.

Well, this whole circumstance is uniquely separate from that. They are replacing an active, full-prices game with a free to play version and instituting all the worst policies on all involved.

My last step is to file a complaint with the BBB and my State’s Attorney General. I don’t care if nothing happens as a result, but it is likely my only recourse to at least file my objection.


According to what Blizzard have said, a voice recording is only done if a report is made.

So if you said the N word in chat and no one reported you immediately after, there would be no voice recording.

This looks like audio is recorded and stored long enough to transcribe it to text; I imagine the audio data is streamed or sent in chunks and and transcribed as it arrives to avoid huge audio files .

After it’s transcribed, players essentially have at most 30 days to report, but likely less.

It wouldnt make sense to only record after a report. Someone could just hold their bannable comments until the end of the game and nothing would happen

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That’s kind of my point. If it wants to catch my N bomb, someone has to report me, and the system has to then be able to retroactively record my speech. Otherwise I can be a cheeky git once per game, every single game, and never ever get actioned for it.

Guess I’m never installing that PoS.


You might not be missing much anyway from the way things seem to be going.


Does anyone else find it ironic for such a ‘caring’ company face/persona they try to put out there, they announce ‘Defense Matrix’ as the marketing angle for what is actually a 20 or so percent of their userbase PURGE?

A purge repackaged with bows and glitter and suddenly it’s a good thing!

What’s really funny is there are ways around this, and so if people are supporting this decision for smurfs and cheats, whoops. People have already found ways around it. So nope, not going to fix it. You’re purging your user base for nothing.

For those that have post-paid and somehow like this crap, maybe the next, more draconian step will affect YOU. After all, if the problem isn’t fixed, don’t they need to take it a step further? Maybe your access being revoked is the next step. Can’t happen? Yeah, keep thinking that as they purge us.

Also, for those people, if they alternatively say… “well the 50 games thing” will hinder them.
I would say, good, you’re admitting it’s not necessary for the pre-paid limitation, as that has nothing to do with this.

This whole thing is a joke.

Blizzard still has a few days to come to its senses. I doubt it, but the time hasn’t come yet.

Otherwise, Blizzard deserves the target on their back in terms of PR, online hate, financial channels, stock price (not good in a recession/depression… see BOE preventing 80-90 percent of UK pensions from going belly up today in gilt linked derivatives margin calls), etc.

Not a good place to be, and I wonder what the mood will be when all the people complaining about smurfs and cheats get riled up again, how the game will go. It sounds to me they have decided to make a game with a continuous culling of the playerbase. That doesn’t sound like a game with a long term focus.

Especially when the elephant in the room has always been the player nerfs and changes getting people frustrated to quit is likely actually a bigger problem then their focus of smurfs/cheats, and I don’t see them promising not to alter the characters.


They are very open and inclusive of West Taiwanese culture.


I’m loving this. This is a step forward for positive behavior in gaming.