Defense Matrix – Text Chat Changes, Stopping Cheating, and Improving Reporting

Then it’d be vegan boy or hyperallergenic boy. But seeing how veganism is a healthier lifestyle with science to back it up i don’t see how it’s an insult, but I don’t drink soy, not vegan ATM, and I don’t really know what hyperallergenic is lol so he failed to insult me.



You want to block because you have no arguments, I never “attacked” you. You threatened me with violence with the ice cube up my rectum thing, and used personal insults now you want to tuck tail. Fine. I’ll ignore you, you ignore me. Screw off


The term in question is “hypoallergenic”, meaning it won’t trigger someone’s allergy ^^ (Or it’s unlikely to, at least?)

Sidenote: “Hyperallergenic” would probably mean it would be VERY LIKELY to trigger someone’s allergy. Not ideal xD

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Click username> view profile> under username click ‘normal’ change it to ignore> select appropriate amount of time.

Need solution and update on XIM counter


Why? Who gave you the right to police other people’s throats?

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Ewwwwww, I havn’t touched a Windows computer in years.

Have fun with ximmers then xD

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Remember when Internet was a fun place and free of people who melt simply by talking to them? Good old days…


Cool story bro

I’m going to go play Elder Scrolls now


Blizzard’s Terms of Service and community managers that directly request we report it as we see it…? I think that qualifies as giving us the right?


Blizzard’s terms of service gives you the right to directly tell people “speak how I want you to speak, and not how you want to speak”? If so, I think you need to re-read what you typed to me, and consider if you’re on the correct side of this discussion.


Been in the military for 15 years. Swearing is the only way I know how to speak. RIP for me then I suppose.

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We’ve seen this technology correct negative behavior immediately, with many players improving their disruptive behavior after their first warning.

Do you mean stop communicating altogether in your team-based, formerly social game? That’s what you’re calling improved behaviour?

And to make sure you know just how important your report is, we’re working to improve timely feedback on your reports, such as providing more consistent log-in notifications when your reports result in successful actions against misconduct. When you see that notification, a player you reported has been actioned for their disruptive behavior so that you can see the positive impact of your reporting.

Those confirmations that were missing for like a month? Is that how important they are? To not use/see them for a long period of time? Were people being actioned during that time or what was the issue?

Why did your CS uphold a ban for me calling your company cheap ****s? It wasn’t toxicity directed to a player, it was in the least toxic mode you’ve ever created (prop hunter) and it was lamenting on how you don’t pay enough money for servers for the game to start instantly with 10 people in the mode, because it’s not a main mode.

Why does that mute not allow me to speak with groupmates or friends, or even type in group chat? Why did it take 4 tries and 3 incompetent CSRs to get to someone who would actually explain to me why I got banned?

You used to be able to call CS for Blizzard (wait forever,) and hammer out a solution to your issue or better understand the action/decision. Those days are long gone and your programs and policies aren’t good. They are 20 steps back and you frankly should be ashamed of yourselves.


Reporting system is not working in JP Console. I’ve never received a single notice “We accept your report” even though I have reported more than 70 times since OW1.

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hey thanks for sharing!

- improving text chat
- better filters
- better anti-cheat
- better report system

these are all most welcome and have been asked for since 2018.
we’ll believe it when we see it.
right now innocent kids lose their accnts to false bans from stacks in casual modes.

so basically just:

  • rigging
  • discriminating on people’s accounts instead of letting players play
  • shadowbans
  • bullying people who’s behaviour you think is “different” and “disruptive”
    • aka diverse or neurodivergent.
  • this is a LIE.
  • your approach is anti-competitive.

customers have fundamental rights:

  • system should be player/account agnostic
  • scrap the stats and data slurp that people just spoof and evade and boycott
  • ur data based learning will misclassify or degen to random around winrate anyway.

To maintain equal and robust measure of treatment:

  • no throttling and cheesing the selection or in-game params.
  • same game for everyone, no crossplay or DDA handicapping.

fun and fair’:

  • should be an open and transparent definition
  • should be made accountable and auditable in code.

this is crucial in the time of ethical AI and nefarious corporate algs.

That’s the fastest way to be fair, and the fastest way for fun to not be a fake/tailored discrimination and exclusion protocol.

You can give the new players a starter zone or trial period with/against each other, probably by playtime. But going beyond that is saying you’re creating gated communities and allocating resources to discriminate based on class that isn’t winrate-based meritocracy.

What you have “shared” with us is just another way you’re going to scam.


What about combatant against tbagging?


That’s my solution. I’ve never so much as had a warning in the entire time I’ve been playing. If they do actually want people using VC, I’m the kind of person they want in there. And now I’ll never use it again.

I’m on the edge of never using text chat again, either. The only thing I’d use it for nowadays is to ask lifeweavers not to pull me and it’s only a matter of time until that gets me reported.

I’m pretty sure they actually don’t want people communicating at all. Text or VC. They’d remove all forms of chat if they didn’t think people would have a fit over it.


I think again blizzard has missed the bigger issue. Mass reporting is rampant in this game, none of it was addressed. Im also a little hesitant on saying this was the correct path to go, my friends and i cut up constantly through text chat between ourselves, instead of cutting unfiltered all together why not just make it to where if you prefer unfiltered chat then you shouldnt be able to report misuse of it just because the reporting party decides they dont want to switch to mature or friendly chat? Why ruin something for everyone when only a select few complain about it when they have other options to avoid it? In a competitive game trash talk is normal and sometimes welcome. I dont think blizzard truly thinks about its whole playerbase but just those that complain. Bring back OW1 sr also, you guys just cant afmit you made a mistake.