Dear overwatch pro players

Then why not run 3 DPS 3 support if supports are op?

In one hand you have goats destroying the pro scene and heroes who are useless in the pro scene are destroying lower elos and then Blizzard calls it “the best balance we ever had”.

At this point I feel like the old triple tank meta was more balanced cuz it was actually used by everyone so it was more obvious who the problematic heroes are (and they still nerfed the wrong heroes instead of ana).

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They won’t terminate at the start of the season, nor mid season, and I highly doubt they will terminate end game. Money has already been spent, and most are under private contracts done by each team, not paid by blizzard.

They are still literally required to win. They are paid to do their jobs, which is win, and if they lose because a losing team goes GOATS out of desperation to win, because it’s the best comp, they’re going to switch to win

Critical thinking is required

To be fair it was first run in the tier 3 scene(outside of the team goats. Everyone copied them) I was there as a coach.

However i see your point, i truly do, but Blizz will nerf tanks/healers more and the reason i believe lies in the money that the owl makes. They officialy stated, that the money they make from lootboxes in overwatch and hearthstone i think is declining. That makes me think that the money and worth of overwatch in general (at least to the top 1% of the company) lies within the owl and not the game itself.

Because supports can compensate downsides of tanks, by buffing speed/damage, but can’t compensate downside of DPS: low health.

cuz dps can get one shot and tanks cant. btw 3 dps and 3 heals also work hilariously well. 3 dps and 3 tanks never work. SO yeah. Supports are the problem.