Dear LGBT players

I’m fairly sure at least two of those threads are troll OPs too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Of course! Yesterday i run into another guy and then i reported to the police that he attacked me.

I dont get what kind of troller you are or if you are being honest.

If so, you ignore the thread, you dont read my comments well. Probably you only read what you want to read.
I discuss, i have my own opinions. Then you claim i shout out something to another, what doesnt is the case.
Show me, where i am the victim. And show me, where i say something similar to that.

Thank you.

I keep reading various statements that translate, more or less, into, “If X, (X being some discrete demographic), is included correctly into the story, then X’s participation in the storyline is fine. However, if the execution of X’s inclusion is incorrect, it’s pandering.” Clarity is important and defining terms aids in clarity. There seems to be two prevailing definitions of correct execution: 1) the inclusion is “organic”; or 2) the inclusion is not “forced.”

Definition 1) confuses me because this is a work of fiction, and the inclusion of any character, irrespective of such character’s demographic(s), is a deliberate decision - therefore, entirely organic in the process storytelling. Definition 2) seems more plausible as a substantive argument if it were not anchored onto an unqualified objection of the inclusion of a specific demographic. Where if framed generally, "any character, irrespective of demographic, whose participation in the plot is not ‘forced’ (which I am reading as synonymous with “poorly executed”), is generally a good addition to the plot.

However, as has it been framed in some posts, this definition of story execution seems to be a veiled strawman, a prevarication, of the issue I outlined above in a previous post- an objection to the inclusion of a character who possesses some attribute incongruent to the perceived demographic baseline. Is this a thread about storytelling, or a just a protracted euphemism of something maybe more sinister?

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So if a person A disagrees with the life style of person B, person B should be able to force Person A to act in accordance to Person B’s wishes? I don’t think anyone should be forced to do anything that goes against their principles or beliefs. How would person B feel if the Person A could force person B to act against their own strongly held beliefs?

Every person should be free to act as they choose, even if it runs the risk of offending others so long as it doesn’t physically harm the people around him/her, or damage another person’s property. If we don’t have that basic freedom, society quickly devolves into an absolute tyranny.


I really don’t see how anything you’re saying is somewhat true.

I also don’t see how anything I’ve said is an attack towards you or anyone. I told the guy that I responded to that you quoted that anything that’s somewhat anti-lgbt in these comments have been attacked by you and others with just unannounced and unwarrented toxicity. That’s kinda my point in the comments here.


Mmm sorry you apparently had to go to the police for a random person attack you? This isn’t relevant to topic, you only brought up to be center of attention along with other ramblings others people pointed out. Yet you hypocritically complain about trolls, or people ignoring OP while doing just that.

Drakolyr is an obvious troll.

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This is what I’ve been trying to say for the entire thread.

It’s just sad that it’s devolved into people attacking everyone that’s somewhat anti-lgbt.


In that case, we shouldn’t force the tax dollars of religious or pro-life people to publicly fund clinics that do abortions then.

Yes. This exactly.
People tend to use the shield of holding lgbt character to a higher standard to justify their inclusion as an excuse to exclude them entirely.

Honestly, it’s not worth getting into any sort of debate about it with them.

They’ve just gone too far with me. I’ve muted the thread because they keep saying I’m angry and being just a complete jerk towards anyone saying anything somewhat against their points, even if they aren’t themselves.


I don’t think tax dollars should go to any cause, that is beyond the proper scope of government. Leave that money to the person that earned it and allow them to decide how it is used.

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In that case, let’s defund planned parenthood and have people donate to it as a form of charity. Currently, our tax dollars are keeping it afloat.

It doesnt make sense. Sometimes people who are against the rights of minorities need to realize they are the majority and need to force themselves to be charitable and do the right thing.

Agreed, Star Wars went from a story driven masterpiece to just social-justice warrior propaganda. Luke takes years to master lightsaber arts and combat and Rey simply slices a rock and learns all of it? What the…


If you can’t stand the heat, don’t be a bigot? This isn’t a hard concept.

Moderator: Edited to remove comment that could be construed as a physical threat.


The joke

The marianas trench
Your head

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The people should continue the right to choose. They should choose whether or not to do things with their own body and live with those consequences or benefits.

Like a great man once said, “The whole point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds and die of a heart attack at 43, you can! You are free to do so. To me, that’s beautiful.”

Thank god the forum have report buttons! :smile:

I wanted to know WHAT was forcing. But you only posted threads, where most persons claimed the share their opinion.

No, i pointed out what you where saying. Cause you disagree with yourself. Thats all.

Nope. I’m sorry to disagree with you, but most of your comments shoot straight against LGBT and dont care for different opinions. Thats something different.

Agree 100% with this statement.
You can look away or ignore something if it really bothers you.

I learned it too.

So now you’re endorsing false reporting?

Please, you shouldn’t be here.



You are my hero, can i play you in Overwatch?

Did you just say people deserve to be attacked?

What has this thread gone to?

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