Dear leavers, cut your losses!

As long as there exists the phrase “Its just quickplay bro”, you do not have the right to my time or effort.

As long as quickplay is so casual that you and your 4 other dps dorks continue to trickle, feed, etc, then I should have the right to come and go at will…after all, “it’s just quickplay bro”

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Ultimately, this. Leavers or people with bad connections might put the rest of their team in an unfair position, but there are a lot of things that happen in OW that can be considered unfair. There are already punishments in place for these kinds of things and people would probably do a lot better if they accepted that. As well as accepting the L when they know they are not at fault for it.

The rude one was KNIGHTHOOD, not me…

And I’m not talking about these kind of situations. I’m talking about unexpected things that can and WILL happen. Deal with it. People have good text interpretation, unlike you that seems to not have.

LOL Sorry… I had to end with this one just to keep it up :stuck_out_tongue:. I don’t want to be rude but you didn’t get my point. It’s the last phrase in my post…

I don’t care what someone else said.
What you said was rude.
Saying ‘well they were rude’ and ignoring how what you said was also rude is childish.
saying people ‘don’t have a life’ because they think differently is still rude and immature.
What you said was rude.

If you mean something in text, say it.
People don’t have the ability to read your mind to see what you meant.
I can interpret what you said.
Again, if you meant unexpected things, then you should have said that.
I have good text interpretation skills.
There are also many ways to interpret something.
Again, if you meant something to be interpreted a certain way, then you should have said it instead of adding it latter and expecting people to get it.

If someone didn’t get your point, then you can explain without being rude.

I don’t care.

Well well… now you are being rude with me… I didn’t even was rude with you.

Hum? Is literally there… if you read things entirely maybe you can get the meaning…

That’s what I LITERALLY DID!..
I don’t even know why I’m discussing this with you… you buy the fight of others, don’t read the entire messages and blame people because you could not understand a simple text… yeah… have a nice day. :kissing:

How was that rude?
How is saying ‘people can’t read your mind’ rude?
Please explain.

You said:

You later went on to add:

The first one adds information that was not there.
It was in the second one, but it was not in the original post I responded to.
So no, it was not there.
I read what I saw.

It came out poorly worded and seemed rude.
I don’t know what you meant, but it came out that way.

Uhhh… ok?
You call me a no lifer for no apparent reason, but I am the rude one.


No, it doesn’t.
You get an XP penalty for a few games if you leave a lot of games in a very short time and you lose endorsements.

Both are things which a huge part of the community doesn’t even care about.

No one is held accountable for ruining my time, ever. I however get punished for deciding that my current team is so casual that they ignore good play, the composition of their team, or countering the other team and leaving them to wallow their own stupidity.

There should be NO penalty for leaving a game of quickplay period.

Any punishment short of not letting them play anymore for x amount of time won’t do anything.

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Yeah I’m not fond of backfill, but since WoW does that too. I suggest they use WoW’s method. Give the player a 5minute timeout though in Blizzard it’s 15minute, but that game is a mmorpg. There’s other stuff to do. I believe other games does this too like LoL and Paladins. You get time out debuff for leaving the match. The nerf debuff on exp is so irrelevant because you can use cash for loot boxes.