Dear Jeff, its about time

Dear Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch team,

Its about time you give us a Lucio origins short.

Yours truly, Magus.

PS: and you know it :wink:


Dear MagnusLucio

Respectable name. Also, yes please.

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And…and many actually…


Lucio and Symmetra short? :wink:


I agree as he and Symmetra have some story to tell based on their voice line interactions. I wonder if Symmetra’s boss is a playable hero in the future? He is clearly a villain.

No, both kind of tall

yeah, a double origins story, a vs. origins would be awosme actually :slight_smile:

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Like Michael Chu is going to create lore for the story…

Heck yeah, with the way they interact with each other in the game, It’s just begging for an animated short. Anytime I can hear Symm’s voice actress I’m all for it.

Yes, Lucio taking a short skate down a graveled hill, crashing, tumbling, and breaking his neck would be good. The animation would be hilarious.

And one for mercy as well since she is a central Overwatch character in the lore, heck she was there when it was shutdown.

And Dva while we are at it👌

In fact just give us more lore already😂

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Symmetra first, then we can talk.

The Lucio origins short will be bundled with OWL Season 2 All-Access Pass on

Look forward to the exciting games and wonderful coverage of OWL Seaon 2, coming 2019!

Give everyone who doesn’t have an origin story video one, but start with Lúcio.

This is not a bad post but be careful