Dear healers (15 characters I hate you so much)

When I’m playing Wrecking Ball, I know you’re pulling your hair out trying to chase me down.


I know where all the health packs are, though. I play Sombra :wink:


Healer here.

No idea what this post is about. I have 0 issues with Hammond.


Roll away my friend, roll! It’ll give me more time to focus on the main tank.

That being said I’m not sure you’re really getting the full value out of Hammond if you spend half of the game rolling around the map for healthpacks, your time would be better spent in a teamfight using your primary fire and piledriver.
I’ve been playing him like this across 3 ELOs from plat to master and was able to get around 64% WR and 3.5 kdr.

So far the Hammonds I saw rolling around and boucing in the enemy team only win when the enemy team (aka my team) gets baited into chasing them otherwise they lose because they just don’t bring any value to their team.

Looks to see a big ball of ult charge rolling in circles around six enemies… Drools.

Nothing wrong with getting your own health when you need but if possible its better to get to your healers often. That way you can help in the team fight while getting healed up for your next swing.
Also checking back in means you watch out for any flankers or people sneaking up on them now and again. Sometimes diving into the enemy lines can backfire when the enemy dives yours and you aren’t around to help. Even worse if you didn’t secure a kill during your dive since they now have a numbers advantage and you are potentially down one support.

This is actually what I see happen the most. I blast my way in, piledrive, shield, shoot, whatever, then roll out really quickly, and it ends up with 1 or 2 people chasing me around rather than focusing on the rest of the fight.

It usually ends up being a Moira chasing me for some silly reason.

Same. I really dont have any issues with hammond or anyone that overextend so long as they understand the moment they overextend that they are no longer my responsibility


Ideally you want to piledriver into the enemy team and focus the lowest of their squishies right after, you can get a pick pretty often like that.

If I don’t get that frag then I’d rather go back to my team for heals instead of looking for a healthpack, maybe you’ll bait a person or two to follow you but I’d argue that if you tried like 100 times, people don’t chase you that often unless you’re about to kill someone and even if they do they won’t do it forever and they’ll go back to their team.

In this case all you did was maybe disrupt one person for a handful of seconds when you could have been providing more value by just using left click in a teamfight.

Maybe I’m wrong but from my experience it’s been way more valuable to play with my team.

Dear healers, please do not chase me, I will roll back to you! If I die, its my fault, 100%.

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Just today I had that one Hammond with low health, spamming I NEED HEALING and rolling away from me and the team ;p

Heh! As Ana, you get the healing grenade if I miss a couple of shots due to the spinning. Then you are on your own mother flower… :grin:

I just wish they’d heal me at all tbh.

Are you one of those Hammonds that would rather go to the small healthpack at the other side of the map instead of moving into the sightline of the healer so they can heal you?

Btw, Hammond is not a flanker, and if you play him like Sombra, you are doing it wrong.

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Wrecking Ball is literally a fat less stealthy Sombra. The gun is near identical and he’s just as good at diving

Hammond is first and foremost a tank. Using him as a flanker is wasted potential, because his abilities are useful for his teammates (knockbacks, piledriver), and he is great at soaking up damage, even without a barrier.

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If anything, he’s much closer to Doomfist as he’s really good at disrupting the enemy team.

I have to agree with CuddlyFlower, you’re not supposed to flank with Hammond.

Respectfully, you can also aim better and not miss your shots so he doesn’t die or be forced to go to a healthpack.

Eh, I can’t imagine any healer besides Moira and maybe Lucio (though he’d likely be in the action alongside Hammond anyway) having much trouble with him.

Whenever I play Wrecking Ball, I’ve had Ana mains yell at me in voice chat telling me to stop running away and moving around so much. cx

I usually give Hammond a healing orb from zenyatta because I know he is going to attack and I know he’ll either kill and escape with low or he’ll get melted. either way a healing orb should help him a lot.