Dear DPS Moiras

If Moira is getting all the gold medals then the rest of her team are the reason they lost.

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I always have to figure out my team to decide how to use Coalescence. I don’t know why (maybe it’s the visual spam, maybe they don’t know it also heals) but I’ve had teammates with the critical icon get out of the way when I aim my ult at them (and worse continue to dodge as I try to follow them). But if that’s how my team reacts to Coalescence’s healing, I get more using it to scatter/ungroup the enemy team.

If a Moira can actually out damage the DPS, wouldn’t it be worth considering running her as a DPS with 2 other healers? If she can out damage a S76, I’d rather have a Moira on my team that might heal once in a while and just does DPS.

moira cant stay as is. beam reach too far does too much damage too fast orb does too much damage. she needs reworked.

I’d be happy if my team’s DPS/tanks would stop and look at their health bar when they see the indication that they’re getting healed. If the healing doesn’t stop and your health bar isn’t full, consider the value of staying put. If you need to get away from someone doing damage, that’s good but if you just want to chase down a foe, you’d be in a better state if you put that off to do it with a full health bar.

My sentiments exactly. If a genji is diving me as Moira, you’re damn right I’m going to 1v1 him. Moira is the support you pick so that you don’t have to rely on your team to peel for you. If you see me 1v1ing a genji it’s because I don’t want to die to said genj


I find the best counter to Tracer is good healing. Keep pressure on, force blinks and recall, once she recalls, call it. Once shes low on blinks, call it. If she is simply staying alive shes not a big threat. Moira counters Tracer if the Tracer is stupid enough to take an all in fight against her without any abilities left. A good Tracer will simply avoid Moira. is the same kind of counter, shes a deterrent. Easy chip damage makes Tracers life very hard, because she can’t recall her whole health pool if you kill her slowly.

Just a friendly reminder, This thread doesn’t pertain to ALL Moira players. Just the selfish ones.

I know there is god tier Moira players out there, I know how she works. I know you have to do damage to sustain your “Pee” (lul)

so if you’re one them, I <3 you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Gold medals are mostly irrelevant to the state of the match anyhow.

It was only ever, ever relevant, in any shape or form, when Lucio was gold damage before his damage buff. Even now he can do fairly decent damage and play less passively.

Anyone obsessed with gold medals, or using them as an argument to either secure a hero choice, or deny another, needs to reconsider the value of each hero to the current match.

That’s what will win you the game - not who has what gold medal.

Juking is a factor homie

OP says their Moira is DPS, not healing.
OP complains their team isn’t being healed.
OP plays 3 games with “selfish” Moiras, not healing and not switching.

Why doesn’t OP change class and heal?


You can’t control the actions of others, only yourself. Quit ranting about what others do, when you can solve the problem yourself. Be the better person!

Way to address none of my points while not even elaborating your own…

I agree with all of these except the outdamaging bit. Moira’s damage is low, so if she’s outdamaging the dps heroes, there’s definitely a DPS problem.

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Orbs are situational. It isn’t this cut and dry.


Maybe they were playing tank? Just because they aren’t playing healers doesn’t mean that they didn’t have a hero that counters something else. I’ve been in that spot before, DPS Moira on my team but if I switch to healer then we have no tank. It’s never as clear cut.

when nobody is pushing, i usually just ult and move forward hoping my team pushes with me. then i try to get it back quick by mass healing.

If only the OP had such a nuanced view of Moira… Sure, maybe there were extenuating circumstances for the OP, just as there might have been with the Moira. But the OP stuck with 3 Moiras, and to give them the benefit of the doubt, three different teams with different line-ups, yet didn’t try to alter their own role to make up for the team’s deficiences, and chose to blast “DPS Moiras”…

usually* DPS mains are mostly trash, and I often find myself regretting keeping them alive while they fail to kill someone I could melt easily then get me killed.


Yup…I have to check Moira avg healing before the match starts because it changes my play style. Moira should get 7k healing per 10 or so

Yup…moira should be around 7k healing per 10 min