Dear dps.... if the tank doesnt die, youll lose

i cant believe ive have to continually say this… but… IF THE TANK DOESNT DIE, YOU WILL LOSE EVERY GAME.

Too often i have dps that think they can hard carry and try to take the 1v1 instead of going to the deathball strat. YOURE FREAKING GOLD BRO, youre not good enough to carry… help me push the big hit box tank and win.

Also as a tank, I cannot push past rein/orisa + healer, they will kill me every time. I cannot push if rein has his shield up in front of me. I can not just ignore the orisa, she is too deadly. I dont understand this mentality where players think they can hard carry and proceed to feed all game… Go for the easy win… IF YOUR TANK HAS LITERALLY 3X THE DAMAGE YOU DO WITH 1/2 THE DEATHS, MAYBE STACK UP ON YOUR TANK.


just kill the heelers and you win, but now that we dont get every hero unlocked unless we pay the game is going down hill fast anyway


braindead take, dps need to hard focus support. tank should be last priority for dps unless they’re farming ult charge. if your playing tank and cant walk past a rein or orisa, you either don’t know what your doing or your supports are complete garbage. you should be walking past their tank most of the time and if that isnt possible atleast putting pressure on them to take space. damage is not gonna win games, u may have 3x the dps damage but you may not be using that damage to take space which is the most important thing you need to do. once you make more space for your team the more your dps can actually be able to help and get picks.


DPS have it rough. They get yelled at for unloading everything onto the tank, and then get yelled at when they don’t do that.


nope… doesn’t matter how many picks you get if the tank doesn’t die youll lose… hope i never get matched with you cuz itll be a loss

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You can’t kill the tank without killing the supports. You can’t kill the supports without killing the dps. You can’t kill the dps without killing the tank.

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You don’t seem to understand the game at all.

You only focus the tank once the supports are dead. Otherwise they don’t die and you just feed support ultimates.

There are multiple tanking styles… it sounds like you are only comfortable with the most brain dead simple style there is. Which in turn gives up your agency as a play maker to your dps players.

Your tank style is basically “Carry me!!!”.


You can totally kill the supports without killing the dps. :rofl:

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It’s optimal to take out the supports first, but everything is situational in this game. Who’s over extending? Who’s caught out alone? Who is at 1hp? Etc… You can’t stick to just one strategy, you have to be continually adapting.


standard strategy (by default)

step 1 - kill the supports
step 2 - kill the dps
step 3 - kill the tank
step 4 - ???
step 5 - victory


So no one kill no one, game stay active forever and we all trapped in an infinite loop which divide the world by zero and make a new BIG BANG.

It’s perfect.


I’m a revolutionary. Hire me Blizzard. $30.2 million sallary.

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if the tank doesnt die you lose… Its not a hard concept… as a tank i cant wait and not progress the point while dps are trying to kill supports… this only applies to lower ranks… you dont get dps good enough to do what is required.

I am not sure what advice you are trying to give but focusing the tank is only a situational strat. Tank can handle quite a few abilities, survive, use a corner, and then stabilize just to do it again. The right target prioritization is very situational… In some cases, I completely ignore the tank and kill the team. Your statement just isn’t true all the time… actually wrong most of the time.


lol bro there’s no way
Learn the game, then talk.


Dude a pick is a pick. It doesn’t matter who you kill. Kill the supports and the tank likely dies. Kill the tank and the team has less protection. Kill the dps and your team will be able to sustain themselves long enough to get kills. I hate so much when players try to hard focus a tank getting hard pocketed by both supports. They aren’t going to die, focus someone else. Grandmaster player btw


Ur name matches you perfectly


yup its overwatch… you dont have to be good to provide value just not be stupid… The easiest hero in the game is played at top level (mercy)… hero’s with invincibility abilities exist…

From your post I’d argue you aren’t good and are stupid too. Everything is situational.

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You know whats funny? This is common sense right? but every overwatch games has idiots . idiots who don’t belong in the rank. th eitehr playeced by blizzard to diamond rop to gold where bronze V players who climbed their way to gold will now have to carry them when those players actually belong in bronze V and not diamond or they’re boosted. because in all of the games i’ve played. Guess who kills the healers? me on ana support.uess who kills the tank after killing the healrr?: me on ana support. So what do the dps players do They do random nhss for 4iX2 rounds plus overtime and im not even kidding these bad dps players in wrong divisions are really the dumbest people i have even seen in my life. Imagine like for about 15 mins accomplishing nothing in overwatch and you wanna know whats the best part? Its this same delusional DPS players that should be in Bronze V telling me as ana , " why ru not healing assuming that im noit healing because of my kda. BEACH IM DOING EVERYTHING!!! IM PLAYING YOUR ROLE TOO. DAMAGE, HEAL, ELIMS, ASSISTING ELIMS FOR YOU TO KILLSTEAL WHICH IS A GOOD THING, CROWD CONTROL, SILENCE, COUNTER PLAYS. LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

THANK GOD FOR ANA BEING IN THE GAME. You have to do eevrything in overwatch 2 in order to climb most of these dummies are doing random nonsense with their eyes roled middle, tongue sticking out , head tilted to the side and singing barney is a dinosaur. DO everythign with ana is the best way im climbing in this game. There is no teamwork. teamwoirks a lie. the onyl teamwork im getting from my team is " staying alive on the objective so that i can kill everyone and dont worry ill keep you alive to my pawn". Meat sheilds.