Dear doom mains

Im actually seeing some DF mains complaining that sombra is OP, I just wanna say, sombra is a "hard counter" to DF, zen, and some other heroes so stop complaining and I would also like to say; switch off to counter - what most of the Brigg defenders say…


Umm, did we actually complain about how sombra OP? I mean, i didn’t

Actually, i love when i have a hard counter on an enemy team (actually good one), because i love adapting and overcoming, trying new playstyles so at least they wouldn’t bother me. Like i love playing pharah when enemy has good widow (not on comp, relax)


I mean I main doomfist as a dps and I honestly love having sombra be this strong. She’s incredibly fun to synergize with, more than almost any other hero for me.
So yeah, I’m fine with Sombra. Hell, buff her and I still wouldn’t have issues


Well, I am saying most of the DF mains (including my friend who lost a 1v1 against me where he was doomfist and I was sombra)

I get where OP is going with this but ive seen i think all of one doomfist main make a recent thread.

The hate against sombra comes from all shades of heroes. Not just doomfist.

And i currently disagree with all of them.


She honestly doesn’t need any buffs, but more bug fixes and minor QoL changes.


You know most Doomfist mains? :o

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Well, I’ve seen a lot of people in the forums complaining about sombra being OPAF, and even when I play matches, the doomfists go mad at me ;-;

Sure she hard counters him, but she is his best DPS dive buddy.

Doom has the same problem Rein does when he is hacked. You literally just can’t do anything, so it is an understandable position. Not that I mind Sombra being strong, but you should expect people to not like having their ability to play the game gimped.

I have never complained that Sombra is OP, I just find her annoying to deal with as Doom. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna switch off as soon as a Sombra enters the field, but I’m going to be a bit more cautious.

I’m a doom main and haver never complained about sombra.
The people complaining are the same ones complaing about Doom eg. I want to shoot shields for 5 hours while I go completely uncontested as the healer.

I didn’t say about nerfing Sombra.

FTFY. Anyway I know how to play against Sombra as Doomfist. I might fail sometimes but I will still get things done

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I just think Doom’s get Salty AF when they get countered or just straight up beat.

I recently lost a game in Busan. I was tanking but there was a Doom wrecking my team and non of them knew the map or how to counter Doom. After the first steamroll I went Mei and stuck to their Doom like a fly on a fresh cow pat.

I denied him left and right (it’s this match that I realized the Mercy was pocketing him) killing him or forcing a retreat with wall denials and freezing him and his friend One time killing him at 30 hp Cryofreezing to heal as Mercy rezed him, killing the Mercy and chasing him off.

I had my hands full with Doomfist but he had a good team I guess cuz we still lost. Despite that I get a message shortly after the Defeat message pops up “Your effen Trash! Mei is so easy to play.”

Dooms get just as salty as the people he kills lol.

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I haven’t heard that, must be a new complaint. I say that’s a good thing, since that would inherently give people a reason to go Sombra since the likes of Doomfist and Wrecking Ball have been quite popular choices lately.

But but… all dps should work in every situation no matter what, they’re a dps!

cries in Doomfist main

That’s a very bold assumption you’ve made. While I dislike how powerful her basic hack can be, not emp, I don’t think sombra is overpowered.

She falls into the same vein as doomfist for most players. Unfun to play against. I can struggle to keep my cool against sombra for sure, but that doesn’t mean she’s too good.

Overwatch has several problematic heroes. These problems aren’t going anywhere either. All that can be done is helping others improve their play against these heroes, and that’s going to take a lot of work.

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I don’t like Sombra as most heroes I enjoy playing aside from Doom get gimped by her regardless.

I just live with it and hope she doesn’t show up on the enemy team lol

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Sombra is OP if you can actually play her.
it’s just a shame everyone outside of a professional team would rather be bad & complain