Dear brig mains, Brig is more annoying than Tracer

Having high amounts of skill should not make counterplay irrelevant. Tracer players feel entitled because “I need a high amount of skill to function”, when A: skill should not override counters, B: tracer can still outplay brigitte pretty effectively, and C: tracer isn’t as much of a high-skill hero as people think she is, due to having the most escape options in the game to avoid damage.


Brig does not need to do 150 healing and apply 75 armor to allies in less than a second to counter Tracer.

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i dont thinks its that exactly, i think a more accurate statement is that low ranks are still trying to learn how to use her because what is and isn’t boring to play varies per person.

This entire “debate” is exactly the same as when people complain about Ursa in DotA being able to take down Roshan at 6 minutes.

That’s his entire point, to be a ridiculously high sustain hero who can whiddle down a big hp target.

Brig is a tank support that may not keep you alive, but she’ll be sure taking you down is difficult either by force or with armor.

I don’t even PLAY Brig as much as I play someone like Zenyatta or the tanks, but even then she’s just a tank support. People treat her as if she’s some kind of unkillable demigod.

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Dear Tracer main,
Tracer has the personality of an Turnip.

She has the hair of a turnip.,w_912,h_516,c_fill,g_auto/shape/cover/sport/5afcba7ef7b09db17c000003.png

Maybe she was some weird turnip genetic experiment.

Brig punishes bad players who don’t know how to play and adjust properly.

I think you may want to change your title.

Tracer is back to being annoying.

The keyword here is “good Tracer”
Please don’t tell me you don’t have to deal with the same annoyance against a good widow, a good genji, a good doom etc etc.
Good hero of anything will give you trouble.

Also, brig still counter Tracer, in the form of armor.

Her presence is already a counter to tracer. It is rare that a brig stuns a tracer in masters and above true. But her presence gives so much area denial and makes the tracer keep a big distance. Plus the armor and inspire are also counters to tracer. Devs said armor was introduced as a counter to reaper and tracer. So yes, brig has other ways of countering tracer than just her one shot combo

Nnnnno. Tracer is definitely more annoying.

I don’t know about that. Brig you see coming, you have a chance to disengage. Tracer can be relentless mosquito that can hit you at almost any angle instantly at command with several reset buttons. You can call for a ally for help to peal for tracer, and by the time they turn around to help. Tracer is already gone and blinks to another target or heal pack. Brig was only the few character to hard counter Tracer for getting too greedy and creating space.

Tracer is also a favorite among smurfs, as they have a higher reaction time in than the lower elo they normally play and can tear up a whole team. Tracer can farm ult almost non stop. You couldn’t do that with Brig.

It’s not just about ease, it’s about being practical.

If a solution is complicated, prone to error, slow to deploy, it’s not really solution. It just adds to the problem.

If your hero doesn’t need to engage among the enemy, then you don’t need mobility to do your job.

If you stay inside spawn, you don’t need to avoid dps at all.

As a tracer main since beta, having to deal with this blatantly OP hero up until now has only made us stronger. …ugah boogah boogah uugah

A plat player that’s a bronze, level 66 portrait?

You smurf. Why should we listen to you? You already flagrantly disregard any set standards and corrupt the rank metric with your mere presence on the ladder. Far as I’m concerned, your opinion is invalid.

I found GOATS in plat solo q, was high plat though if it matters and even there it was a ez roll for that team lmao

I’ve played her at the same SR as my main heroes. What you’ve described is just a general gamesense - any player should posses such understanding just to get above average SR, no matter what hero they play.

So any hero will benefit from gamesense and obviously no hero is “zero skill”, but some are definitely easier than others and Brigitte pushes the envelope here.

She has 1 skillfull move, I give you that. Rocket Flail requires some degree of predictive aim and timing. Shame being mediocre at using it is enough at it has unbelievably short cooldown.

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What the hell does pick rate have to do with that

Did you just disregard every single salient point OP made just so you could dismiss anything being said as " oh OP is just a tracer main"