Dear blizzard, please announce map changes

complains about a post, doesnt read any comments made on the post. gotta love people who only read the 1st post made and nothing else

i actually read everything matey

and you could see the many times i said"i was looking but nothing appeared, only old patch notes"

They announced it days ago, and it was in the patch notes. I don’t know what more you want.

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I’ll mail you a letter next patch.

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i tried looking for the patch notes but they werent there as i said a few times, tried reading yourself?

The problem is this thread doesn’t help anyone and you make it sound like the devs don’t know how to do their jobs. I knew about this over a month ago when they said we heard the players feedback and changes coming to the ptr. Also everyone knows the patch notes usually come late.

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You’re right, not in the patch notes. But I will say, I knew about the changes already… so it was announced.

I’ll say this, i knew about some ptr things like mei and reaper because news like that spreads in the matter of days, but the map change remained hidden to me and wasnt as much discussed/talked about apparently, this is the only time i had a problem with a change.

but it seems like everyone who is trying to destroy me in this post tells me i should read the patch notes 1 second after its release, so either it was bugged on my part or they dont know patch notes come later (same as me).

it also doesnt help that i get blizzard world pretty much 4x as much as any other map the last couple of days, was very unfortunate i got the map being unaware of this change after getting it about 6 times in about 25 matches before the change

The patch notes were posted an hour before you made this post. Never complain about anything again because you’re probably the one who is wrong.