Mercy is a classical case of Sunk Cost Fallacy

what??? pressing Q as reaper isn’t skilled. pressing Q as junkrat isn’t skilled. pressing Q as hanzo isn’t skilled.

i’m sorry but the argument that mass rez shouldn’t be in the game because it’s “nO sKiLL jUst pReSs Q” is literally so, so, so dumb. can y’all stop using it??


news flash: most of those ults are incredbily easy to get almost no use out of without Graviton Surge or other means of outplaying the enemy team,so yeah they take skill.

Mass Rez,pre-invuln. ended up with a dead Mercy but revived teammates.
Mass Rez,post-invuln. had zero counters

It was the only ult with no counterplay whatsoever.

Nothing more to add here. You can find more details in the 1000 megathreads Blizzard has opened and closed over the course of a year.

I also said on average. This is how Surveys are done in general. You can never ask 100% of all players, so you take a test sample.

First of all… who?
Secondly saying that is just ignorant. That applies to E res, sure. But not to Mass Res. You could mess up that ult in so many different ways, less with invulnerability buff but still a lot.
The only real problem it had was the fact that it had no preemptive counterplay, which could have been fixed with a small cast time.

Mass Res Mercy was overall far more skillful and balanced than Valkyrie Mercy and way harder to master, because the old version of her hat actual punishment for making mistakes and a lot of weaknesses.

I am ok with this


I am ok with Rez being an E

Long were the days where I get flamed for not hiding and res. I still have my Mass res POTG a couple months ago (as a memeto before saying goodbye), and looking back now it felt dirty.
Cause I remember pumping out multiple mass rezes in 1 round, since back then Mercy used to have a very high ult charge gain, and people abuse the hell out of it. Especially on King Rows last push. We would kill their team, along with the Mercy, and she just flew out and res during that last 10 seconds of respawn, and there is literally nothing we can do because she became invincible.

Not to mention the Meme Boosted Mercy clips on Twitch, they were hilarious.

You asked why my friend thought Mass Rez was bs. I answered.

Ah yes,hiding,using your ult and exploiting SR was sooooo skillful.

wow I didn’t realise you knew the devs personally and can preach their opinions. Do you know who hero 29 is?

lmao… bouta get sh*t on now by brawl

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enter moira popcorn

I just make good guesses, it would seem.

They say that and yet, by any reasonable calculation, a 17+% reduction in Mercy’s total heals will put her below Moira, a DPS-Healer Hybrid.

Blizzard is just lying through their teeth here. They and everybody else knows that Mercy is not going to be the “go-to pick” for raw healing power after this nerf, but they don’t care. They just need a nerf. And they’re hedging their bets on the hope that once this nerf goes through and Mercy is still a dominant pick (for her rez, of course,) nobody will hold them to their word about keeping the Mercy’s heal throughput as her primary feature.


Found it!

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Blizzard is very unpredictable. You should know this.


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So we’re playing that game?

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whispers " what game? "


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Oh sorry. I got that a bit wrong, i thought you were talking about a YouTuber.

And the worst way to play her. Those players which did that had most of the time very bad win rates. Ther was a SR exploit, sure. But abusing that meant that you leave your team hanging.
I also never saw a Mercy which played hide and res succeed. I saw it like 3 times and did it once. 100% failure rate.
The fast paced and mind game based Mercy was the way to play her and most also did that. Everything else is a forced opinion from streamers.