Mercy is a classical case of Sunk Cost Fallacy

I liked the removal of mass res.
I didn’t like the rework(s) though :slight_smile:

You’re a major exception then, I think.
Not many people who agree with this entire process Blizzard has gone through for this one hero, one way or another.

It was not my intention to speak for everyone, so my apologies. Fixed my wording in the OP :heart:


most people who said this in the past and i checked their stats,they didnt even play mercy.

I played mercy enough

she is not more interesting,her ult is boring and only looks active because you’re flying.
Rez she needs to do while hiding,its also not very active.
Chained beams also make it so she doesnt need to be active very much.

the only thing truly 'active" is unlimited ammo

in the past she had less abilities,but there was more she had to track.
Ult was valuable but you could mess it up

If you mess it up with current mercy you get it back for free anyway in 30 seconds.


0-30 Seconds


broken link


edit: all fine now

that vid is good

”She is far more active and interesting to play as”

Mercy’s average healing has actually gone DOWN since she got Valkyrie (by a few hundred points). It’s because she’s forced to give up on saving teammates that Classic Mercy would have been able to stick around to rez.

And yet, Mercy didn’t become viable in pro play until her rework gave her a rez on cooldown…


Some would argue she shouldn’t be viable in pro play above heroes like Ana (still viable, just in less situations than high skill cap healers)

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Wow someone playes her passively. Just like that Rein standing still with his shield up. It’s possible to do with any hero.

She is still considered the best support, as intended, people are hoping for fair balance, that blizzard aren’t even trying to go for, is my point.

”She is far more active and interesting”


and also

valkyrie BARELY was enough to save some people from dying before the HPS nerf

after this nerf focus fire will be even easier to just ignore an ulting mercy,something i already did. Its easier to kill the targets that mercy is healing then focussing mercy. And now they made that even easier.


The rework hasn’t ended well, yes, but going back to mass rez would be awful as well.

What most people forget is that Mercy was the most picked support in the period between her invulnerability buff and her rework. Which was seasons 5-7 (I think, correct me if I’m wrong).


she was most picked support in lower tiers mostly because she was easy

she was not meta in higher tiers where ana and lucio and zen were king

mercy and ana were the ONLY main healers

ana is much harder

so ofcourse mercy will always be picked more

and dont underestimate how many people play mercy just because they like her design


You could do the same with Mercy 1.0. Just while standing on the ground. You can play her more actively. If you don’t it’s your loss.


Seems that people underrate how important Guardian angel is to her kit

Imo Blizzard should be looking at nerfing her damage boost to projectiles to counter Pharmercy and a spamming Junkrat

Maybe she doesn’t have to rez a teammate to full health too? (And maybe she has to be in Valk to rez at full health?)

Mercy needs to be the mobile healer of the group so what about forcing her to switch from target to target? Maybe her staff does less healing/damage boost to her target after a set time?

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Her ult was more fun though? Lol Valkyrie is just a washed up version of spectator mode.


Best ult in the game, I wanna be in spectator mode too

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“Press Q to undo the most skilled plays by the enemy” was not fun.

And btw even ingame tips say that Mercy’s value comes over time. 5 man rez didn’t fit in this concept at all.


The enemy isn’t all that skillful if they avoid killing a main healer…