Dead Eye - please rework

This suggestion is not good because ana, zarya etc wouldnt be able to stop her and it would be a weird unique mechanic.

Besides, this thread is 1 year old.

The thread being a year old is irrelevant. I am focused on the title of the thread. I thought it would lessen the clutter on the forum using this thread instead of making a new one.

Think of it… During Mcree’s ult. You can only stop him with headshot damage.

It makes sense.

When EVERYONE turns to stop him he doesn’t have a chance. Lots of damage spam sprays in his direction. Only now you need headshot damage to stop him.

I think it may help him a lot.

Yeah but… all these posts…were before many things were changed. His ultimate is changed, too.

Necroing threads is relevant if someone has technical problems and there is no solution to it and you find something.

Generally it is also against the forum rules to do so.

I don’t understand. It is not against the CoC at all.

If this “necro” thing you speak of is bad then why aren’t older threads automatically deleted after some long period of time?

I think the “bumping” thread section of the CoC has been misinterpreted by this forum.

Don’t “bump” posts.
The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.

Citation from the forum guidelines: Welcome to General Discussion - Please Read!

My post isn’t bumping. Bumping a post uses one word to “bump” the thread to the top of the forum with no reason.

My post is more than one word and has a legit reason to supplement the thread with a new idea to rework dead eye.