Day 7(?) of my experiment

For those that are familiar I’m doing a forced 50% wr experiment and seeing how hard the matchmaker will try to force 50%. I finally got around to completely unbinding right click on rein and played a whole session like that. Ended up 2-4, both of those wins being as such that I could’ve afk

Sounds like forced 50% win rate to me. 2/6 = 0.50, right???


Factor in standard deviation due to sample size and yeah, pretty much

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Exactly! I always knew 2/6 = 1/3 = 0.5



20ish characters


20 characterssss

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I found what you’re looking for: attention

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Yes, I’m obviously always looking for attention, given 500 posts over 3 years. Good luck with your 50% win rate given twice the losses as your wins.



20 or so characters

I actually played 1 game last night and won. If you factor in standard deviation due to sample size, that’s also 50% win rate, pretty much.

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Insert unironic yes meme

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As you should. How could you disagree?


Where did I disagree?

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I was only asking how you could possibly do that? You wouldn’t, of course, right?


Is this rhetorical? :thinking:

Well that would depend on your answer.

Questions are rhetorical, or they are not

Doesn’t it depend on the question?

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Yes? Is this your first language or do we need to back way up and define terms first

Hmm. Perhaps you should rephrase the question in my native language Klingon (damn autocorrect)

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