Day 366 of the Mercy rework, and it's still the most complained about thing on these forums

I personally still enjoy Mercy a lot, but her ult definitely feels lackluster. The added mobility is pretty much all I enjoy about it, and part of the reason for that is how it helps me get away from some other ults, like riptire and dragonblade.
Increasing valk speed by 25% to half that January nerf and giving her a single-target beam with pumped up heals and possibly pumped up dmg boost would be nice. And rez, if available, is instant. And because of the pumped up heals and instarez you could reduce the time for her ult to 8 to 10 seconds instead of 15.
(No slow but a cast time during ult would also be acceptable.)

Because they would have found boring to sponsor a game which you can do the hide and Rez trick.

again proof, where did you get this information as this is broad statement

if reaper hiding and ulting is outplaying then mercy hiding and rezzing was outplaying. if it wasn’t for her, it isn’t for him.


He is trolling you… Lol of course they want the game to look as flashy as possible to attracked more viewers, which will attracked more sponsors… Common knowledge.

LOL they’ll come for your fav hero soon enough

“The recent support changes were very successful and it really shook up the support meta.” -Jeffery Kaplan 2018 (maybe i probs worded it wrong)

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Who necroed this? Now it is gonna get locked. :joy:

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Dude. You talk about common knowledge when you can’t even correctly spell commonly used words…

“A rework they never asked for”.

And since when did Blizzard need anyone’s permission to balance? :joy: Not every balance decision caters towards Mercy mains who complain on the forums 24/7, or whoever is complaining for that matter. Blizzard prioritizes THEIR judgement first because THEY’RE the professionals at this, this is THEIR job. Bottom line, Mercy was busted so they nerfed her. Period.

“What’s the point of balance if we don’t get what we want when we complain? WAAHHHHH”.

Ghee, get over yourselves.

Sorry for not being native english and sorry for having enough confidence to not care about grammar enough, to google it, or read it through around 04.00 in the morning x) Long story short… Stop being a smartass about something like that. It’s not my fault, that mommy didn’t gave you the appreciation you deserve :slight_smile:

English is not my first language either. Hardly think that’s an excuse.

You’re the one who brought up common knowledge.

Mommy clearly didn’t put you in a good school. You’re grammar is honestly appalling.

Wow, okay. Let me address your points:

First, you’re replying to something 27 days later.

Second, your tone is not okay. I am not of the mindset that she needs major changes. If you read past that, I think you would have understood that. There’s absolutely no reason for you to give me that kind of tone in your reply.

Third, people are allowed to be annoyed. Let me repeat that - PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO BE ANNOYED. I don’t share the mindset but I’m not going to sit here and invalidate people.

Fourth, Blizzard’s judgment is clearly prioritized. Yet, there were people from the get-go saying that the rework would make her OP - and it did. That her first nerf wouldn’t stop her from being OP - and they were right. That her third nerf wouldn’t stop her from being OP - and they were right. So on and so on. The community’s input should matter. They can prioritize what they wish - I actually don’t believe that they should take community feedback all the time. But if you equate 8 consecutive nerfs and a massive rework to resolve an issue that didn’t necessarily require a rework is the equivalent of people complaining because they didn’t get what they want, then you’re a little ridiculous.

Your hostility and your abrasiveness isn’t appreciate. If that’s the kind of tone and reply that you have, I can’t blame anyone for not taking your stance seriously. You don’t create a productive discussion with that “You’re just whiney if you don’t like it!” attitude.

They’ve made suboptimal changes before. They crippled Bastion, it took them a couple years to make Sombra remotely viable and not crippled by bugs, they’ve had to give a hero 8 nerfs to get her to a fairly balanced state…

We’re allowed to have opinions. Even if you don’t agree with it. Even if you don’t like it. And you are absolutely allowed to share it, but you should do so in a more productive and less hostile manner.


Here is the problem:
Mass Rez Mercy was not OP, but fun to play.
Valk Mercy was fun to play as long as she was OP (aka the rez was instantaneous).

Most Mercy Mains want the Mass Rez Mercy back, so a balanced older version of Mercy.

Honestly I think that Rez belongs on a resource meter (like the ultimate meter or Trobjörn scrap) not on a cool down. But the Overwatch team just scrapped the Scrap system. So I don’t see rez getting a resource meter as an ability any time soon.

At this point I would take an instantaneous single-target rez as ultimate over Valkyrie any day. It just isn’t an interesting ultimate to use. It is highly impactful, but utterly boring to use…


Wooooow. Who the f*ck revived this thread? I highly disagree with you and think you are wrong. But that was 25 days ago. I’m not continuing a conversation from 25 days ago.


Yeah, it gives you a disadvantage for the next fight, for the price of the won fight. That’s how it works, it shouldn’t be canceled simply because of their lack of coordination, they already have a restriction and don’t have much ults for the next fight. It’s fair, but to bring it all back for the price of one ult is insane and not fair.

The Titanium thread isn’t relevant to this conversation, as I said, Mercy’s rez has no counters, and I still stand by what I said. You can’t fully “counter” her ultimate as you can only kill her which used to be considered a “counter” but that’s basically how you stop other ultimates. I understand that you’re showing me Titanium’s ideas but that doesn’t prove to me that mass rez had counters.

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You may hate doomfist, but you do not deserve the pain you are receiving.

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Lol i knew the possibility of this existed. I’m willing to take it if it encourages a discussion.