Data on Role Queue?

Do we have any official or reliable data as of the Role Queue reception and its overall impact in the playerbase?

Im tired of personal opinions here and there, I just want to know from Blizzard what have they learned so far about this change with the collective information available.

Statistically has it been good? has it been bad? are they looking to improve something in specific? Id like to know.

Its time to have some real feedback on it, Ive played the new system a good amount, Ive read all sorts of criticism and already formed my opinion, Im at a point I want to know where devs think this is going, im tired of guessing and being worried, this topic specifically concerns me because im primarily a damage role player and this patch affected me on several levels.


Blizzard share information…you are a funny one.


Great idea, poorly implemented.

The insane and obviously not balanced game has also ruined peoples interest.

Personally, I don’t even stick around for comp matches anymore. Not worth the time to put into them just to get one team full of smurfs and the other not. No thanks, not wasting anymore time.

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They comment up on big changes all the time, sometimes even quoting some numbers

No stats, but the feedback here isn’t great, the feedback I’ve seen on FB and Twitter is eyewateringly negative.

But, Blizz will tell you how it’s a massive success.


If the data looks amazing, they will boast about it every where. If it looks bad, best to keep silent, and show “still collecting”

And yet According to surveys on Reddit (around 1500 ppl) the Role Queue has been overall a success:

Which is why Im tired of speculating

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To be fair even combined, reddit/Facebook/this forum etc represents a tiny % of the player base (a generally negative one at that specially this forum)

Its hard to pull any useful data from a heavily bias negative portion of the players.


Sure, but are people who stopped playing going to go and fill out such a survey? It’s a fantastically self-selecting group it’s picking from.


It depends on what you mean by official or reliable. Those words mean different things to different people, if the data doesn’t support what you say then they are not official or reliable, only if it supports what you say.

Btw Blizzard already stated that RQ has been received great by the majority, you can choose to believe them or not, that is up to you.

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Where did they say that? just curious

The majority is waiting in line twiddling their thumbs for 20 minutes only to have matches cancelled by leavers. Yup, they love it.


Like endorsements and LFG… if it was a success then they’ll no doubt post statistics showing this. If on the other hand it wasn’t such a success then I doubt we’ll see statistics. If anyone remembers endorsements and LFG, statistics on toxicity reduction were posted for regions except EU which an excuse was made up for but nothing more was said on that matter.


So what do we take from this? Happy people are filling out a full on survey on Reddit to express their pleasure, while unhappy people are taking their ire directly to Blizzard.

Now I’d love to see whether the Overbuff participation has changed much, as they’d be the closest to have numbers for actual participation in the game.

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dont even bother, nobody reads forums nor answer any question or ideas

Look it up in the dev tracker.

yea and they lost 35% on twitch
all streamers i watched were playing more minecraft than OW
and they just started leaving

Do you know how many times that has been said? How many times streamers have quit? OW has died? The OWL was a huge failure? It’s getting old by now.

the difference is that last streamers are leaving, and wiev count is dropping… they take their wievers with them and small ones got like 20

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