Dallas Fuel vs. Shanghai Dragons - FINAL

Saw that too, very clean juggluing.

Ive had more effective EMPs in the spawn room…


lip is so bad… im actually dying

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Albert (Florida GM) and Swingchip are on Avast’s stream. They did confirm that the Hawaiian teams are getting about 90 ping. Glad to hear they hit their target.

Dallas has a Fearless Winston. :muscle:



I’ve never seen someone WHIFF not one, not 2, BUT 3 EMPS

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Speaking of ping, what are the odds of the European teams temporarily relocating here to North America after the ping disasters of the May Melee qualifiers?

In this supposed to be Rio?

A futuristic Rio, but yes.

They want to, but they can’t because of Visas and travel restrictions. Paris is supposed to be based out of New Jersey normally. To cut down on travel costs for homestands.

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Idk. It’s from some summer games skin preview. Maybe it’s an unreleased map.
edit: yea, Rio is that map

I have the strange urge to just one-trick Brig for an entire day. I should try that tomorrow.

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Fearless is going to end up getting Winston nerfed…like jjonak did for zen

I bet they nerf nano instead.

Lol not even Echo escaped the monkey.

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Oh Hanbin saved that!

Just 1:00 on the timebank for the Dragons. :grimacing:

I usually cheer for the Dragons, but as a Winston player I simply got to dig what Fearless is doing with him right now xD

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Fate got melted!!!

pretty sure the round started with doha having ult already…