Dallas Fuel vs. New York Excelsior - FINAL

Yeash, Dallas on doping? :grin:
NYXL didn’t looked that good in this match so far. To stunned to play vs. non-goats combos?

Jeebus, NY is getting rolled over. Sablyeolbe is all other the place.

Dang, barely started watching, NY pulling another choke job? Lol

You know Reaper is bad when even Ashe is getting more playtime

Oooh, Taimou on Ashe, it’s gun’ be fun. Or not. Welp.

That’s exactly the same comp Hunters played against Titans in stage 1, for both sides even.

However, Dallas didn’t quite work it so well.

NYXL woke up it seems… ^^

Ahahaha! That cheese strat Dallas tried to pull off!

It confuses me when teams go for the cheesy hold on car wash. You can’t move inside because the Ana/Zen can’t reach you from server, you can’t bring them close because they’ll just be picked off, and you can’t retreat because the hill is too long for it to be safe.

They must still thinking they are playing on patch 1.2 or older… (back then Gibraltar’s first of four checkpoints was the car wash).

Ohoh! Beep Boop mother shakers! Aaaand Bastion is gone already.

Lookie that… door is left open by NYXL… time to see if Dallas can close it.

Emergency-Bastion fulfilled it’s purpose. :grin:
Remembers me onto another Bastion-action recently on that point… :sunglasses:

By the way, did someone in OWL finaly found out that Junkrat can work vs. GOATS? :thinking:

After Map 4


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We’re going the distance, people!

Ironically, Junk was used with great success against Brig comps when she first appeared in OWL as well. Pretty much every Horizon defence in S1 Stage 4 saw a Junkrat.

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Wow, that was one exceedingly greedy EMP by AKM. And no payoff.

Spam :gem: This :gem: Jewel :gem: To :gem: Help :gem: Fuel :gem:

Classic Fuel. They’re good at snowballing, but take it away from them, and they’ll crumble.

I feel like AKM is not delivering as much as he used to. Taimou did a lot more work as Sombra in the first two maps than what AKM did in the last two.

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