You’re probably seen Fitzy’s video of hacking through Brigitte’s shield, here’s mine.
She wasn’t even the one i was trying to hack
You’re probably seen Fitzy’s video of hacking through Brigitte’s shield, here’s mine.
She wasn’t even the one i was trying to hack
Yeah. We need something. I feel like i don’t even want to bother playing because i can never use my favorite hero without getting accused of throwing. At this point just going to play fortnite/LOL until i can actually use her competitively.
I used to one trick Sombra and now I barely play her at all. Not only she is so weak in this meta but with all the bugs (especially the LoS bugs) she is much more difficult to play.
Not really sure if this one’s just another random hack break bug, or if it’s related to the icewall.
What in the world was that hack.
Ya know, the crazy part about Sombra for me is that I have never seen some of these bugs.
I’ve had the LOS ones, sure, but something like THAT? No.
Never had any translocator beacon bugs, either, and there are a bunch of videos showcasing those. It’s crazy how they can seemingly be so prevalent, yet I only get the most basic bug outs.
I record quite a bit of my games so i can review them, and honestly, i actually miss a lot of the bugs. It’s during the playback review where i’m doing an audit of every thought and execution of an idea i had during the game, that i run into these.
A lot of the instances of bugs are pretty benign, like the recent one where the hack broke on Mei but the hack went through eventually and she got away, and the bug didn’t really affect the engagement enough to stand out. I’m also familiar with the translocator bugs, but again, they’re rare enough that they’re mostly harmless and forgettable. “Wait… didn’t i plant a translocator before? Eh, whatever”, except i can go to the recording and rewatch that to confirm.
Instances like these where you’re able to hack through Brigitte’s shield are exceptionally rare, most of the time it happens, i wasn’t recording.
Also, the translocator bugs aren’t from the recent rework, they’ve been around for a really long time but they’re really rare, enough that we rarely bring them up. But since Sombras bugs have had a turn for the worse, might as well bring up the old ones too and hopefully get those fixed.
Fitzyhere clips
Huh, wonder when they will finally fix all her bugs? How long did it take them to fix doomfist when he had a million bugs?
I’ve had to stop using Sombra because of these errors.
Not sure if its been mentioned but she has a FFA bug where when widow uses her ult (or I think if hanzo uses his sonic arrow as well) the entire game can see you despite them not being on each others team. I’m worried about this for comp FFA since I wanted to main Sombra for it.
That bug has already been fixed but we don’t know what update it’s going to come to live with, kinda bugs me that out of all bugs that’s the only one they’ve addressed in so long.
Checking the patch notes for news on Sombra bugs and they fixed one of them! A cosmetic bug that affected her gun when the golden version was equipped…
New “Known Issues” post is up. None of Sombra’s encyclopedia of issues is mentioned. We’re still getting gaslit.
Honestly not sure if this counts, but it’s fairly common as well, every Sombra is familiar with this.
It’s just one of those everyday things that Sombras have learned to live with. Any chance of these getting fixed?
bad news…
i support this.
Sombra is too ‘involved’ for me to play but when i do the bugs can be really frustrating.
It’s been 84 years…
dude i had that Phantom translocate problem yesterday and it lost me the game -_-
its sad to see they still havent done crap about any of these
bug ?
Path of exil :
<< Devs : no problem guy i will fix the issue tonigh, patch tommorow >>
Blizzard :
Silent … 6 month of waiting … still silent … fix the next year.
sombra is in the worst position right now. and she still have bugs