Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside!

I never said sombra didn’t have bugs.
I didn’t say blizzard hasn’t acknowledged some of the threads.


You’re arguing that if they’re not replied to they’re not being worked on.

And just for some extra lols about vocabulary it’s extent not extend.

So what you just showcased is that you don’t actually understand common English which may explain why you are so limited (mentally? or vocally? It doesn’t matter either way)

Let me teach you a few stuff
You need every fact to create a valid discussion
A reply can be implicit
The word “do” is a confirming positive
A direct attack on me calling me “dense” caused by your pride because I proved you (wrong several times) does not make any argument valid no matter how much you despise me

Edit: I just saw your little comment about “extra lols” which just confirms you are here to troll and nothing more. Sry I made a mistake of using a D instead of T please go ssomewhere else and maybe find happiness in your life

Maybe you should backtrack a bit and see who actually posted the word dense first.
And you’ve proven nothing nor accomplished anything with this conversation, neither of us have.

And once again you’ve completely missed the point. You completely ignored all the other points I made and in which for some reason you didn’t understand before. Not to mention, your only base for your arguments was calling me dense. I actually provided convincing logical explanations to back up my claim. I repeat stop trolling

There’s nothing logical about your arguments.
Your arguments are just eating themselves.

Ok, then tell me how. Actually. I dare you to give me one example. I even listed them in the previous comment

  • Is Sombra not full of game deciding bugs?
  • Do people not post on these forums in an attempt to get bugs fixed?
  • Does Blizzard not reply (either direct or implicit, which I know you’ve just learned is a possibility)
  • Are these forums’ existance (or these threads) not productive towards getting bugs fixed?
  • Were these forums not specifically made to allow for players to easier notify the devs about bugs?

Pick one and provide some reasoning behind your accusation. If you can do that I will admit I was wrong. If you can’t, you just proved that you are nothing more than a simple troll (or maybe just a random guy who got offended because he got called out for using 3rd grade reasoning)

edit: I’ll check back on you later so you have plenty of time to think about a compelling argument. Or maybe several if we’re lucky

Ok first off let’s forget about the broken english here.
Nobody argued that sombra doesn’t have bugs.

Nobody argued anything against this.
Are you referring to the general discussion forums or bug report forums?

Nobody said they don’t reply to anything, you said they reply to every other bug thread which you then changed to being only big bug threads.

Bug report forums - yes.
Spamming the same thing over and over again in the general discussion forums - no.

Bug report forums - yes.
General discussion forums - no.

Notice how I said provide reasoning behind your claims. You’ve just proven to me that you are a common troll. Or maybe you don’t understand the difference between statements and what makes the statements correct. Goodbye. Have fun trying to convince anybody anything.

Just out of curiosity - is english your native language?

Back to personal attacks. Very cute. Go troll somebody else

Sorry if that simple question offended you.
I was just curious.

Sorry if I don’t care about your attempt to troll me. What you did there is called a provocative presumption. Cute try to provoke me though. Go troll somebody else

Look at her rear end.

Does it happen with Rime only or with other skins as well? Is the pic recent?

Only rime, and the last time I used rime would have been a week ago, and it still worked.

Thank you, I will add it to the list!

:arrow_up: Boop :arrow_up:

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Boooooop, I hope that with more Sombra being played in OWL her bugs will happen in game and finally be fixed.

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Please fix this. I can stand the translocator bugs.


and buff her too. She is not in a good place, some picks at owl dont show anything.

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