Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside!

Blizzard we need answers


Just had the Orisa shield bug on Junkertown… so annoying, a wasted EMP.

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I love this thread. Maybe they will see my post above her too.


You can add “Hack focus indicator shows wrong target”.
Saw it on a Fitzyhere VOD https://youtu.be/WAYOpsB63yY?t=22m51s
The actual hack (22:52) still happens on the Rein, but that hack indicator is at Moira (play it on 25% speed) - its really so confusing.

And the other way around :rofl:
Hack indicator correct, but hack affected other hero (here baby dva instead of hog, annyoing as hell)

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The highlight marker doesn’t actually lock on to enemies, it just highlights whatever’s the closest valid target to your crosshair. So looking at one enemy, starting a hack and then looking at someone else changes the highlighted enemy.

If you want a hack switching target mid hack, it would be this


I don’t have any evidence currently, but I have recently found the ‘detected’ message not appearing during a Widow ult.

Has this happened to anyone else? (It could just be me)

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ok thx for clarification! But they should fix it together with the LOS problems. The goal should be to be as less misleading as possible . If target is locked, there is no reason to show other possible targets until the hack is released.
I would be glad to hear any comment from developers…

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I thought it was a bug as well, it certainly is confusing.

“Hack is too fast, you can’t counter it!”

The OW Team changes it, and then stuff like this clip happens…

How are you supposed to counter that?

I wish they would add these bugs to the ‘known issues’ list in the bug report forum, and acknowledge that Sombra needs to be fixed. Some of these problems have been in the game since her release and the recent heroes, maps and balance changes have just brought new ones and fixed no one of the pre-existing bugs.


Another day, another bump


y’all are doing God’s work here

This has happened to me, but only near the end of invis. I’ve been killed not knowing i could be seen because of this.

I belive in you devs! You can fix Sobmra’s bugs!

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Even just the devs saying they are aware of these bugs would be nice…

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A certain megathread can tell you that won’t happen ever

They did start to fix Doomfist and Bastion after enough noise in the forums about their bugs.

We can hope
(20 chars)

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Encendiendo las luces

6 days later :sob:

These bugs have been here all alone. Pls fix