Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside!

What annoys me is when my friend denys there being any bugs with sombra and they say I just don’t hack at the right time. I can’t hack at the right time because of the bugs.

Another video of a common translocator bug. Hoping this will get fixed someday

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lol. Added both of your vids to the main post, thanks!

Bump and blizz pls fix!

Please Blizzard, help us.

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I posted the bug list on reddit again here -> https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/8opnfe/sombra_voice_lets_try_this_again_sombra_bug_list/?st=ji1pz6f1&sh=64e9a471 Really hope it will be noticed by blizz this time.


mei still gets stuck in her own walls…sombra still riddled with all the bugs listed above

New update and a big list of bug fixes…and Sombra is conspicuously absent. Shame on your Blizzard. That’s all I have left to say. Shame.

Yeah, every time they drop patch notes I just ctrl+f Sombra but it’s always a disappointment…

Here, add one more thing to that disappointment.


Thank you for pointing this out, I will add it to the main post.
Just shaking my head here, I cant do anything else. And the bug where she is silent when exiting stealth with an emote is also back.

I just want Blizzard to say something! The thread on reddit and this one too got a lot of support and visibility but still nothing! What can we do to get a response?

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FFS Blizz.

Ya’ll need to stop whatever you’re doing. Put down whatever you’re working on. Stop it. It is not important. Whatever you were working on would probably make the game worse. Put down the coffee and twinkies. Get you coders and put them in a meeting hall. Fire whoever did Sombra’s adjustments, and then don’t let them leave the building until she’s playable.

I have contact embarrassment from your company for letting this pile out the door.


How many threads do we have to make?
Please Blizzard, let us know anything. Acknowledge these bugs, because currently we have no hope since we got no comment.


This thread is over 200 responses long, still no one from blizzard has anything to say. It’s disgusting the state they have left Sombra in!


Guys, if any of you have some ideas to better grab Blizzard’s attention let me know! I tried all I could think of (forums, reddit, twitter, bug report, opening a ticket) but as you know I got no answer (or sarcastic answers from their twitter) so I’m at a loss here… I just want Sombra’s bugs acknowledged and later fixed. :frowning:

I wish the devs would talk about the state of each hero at the end of each competitive season. At least we wouldn’t have people saying their favorite hero is being ignored like this.

Aaaaaaand bump…

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