D.Va's Boosters nerfed

Interesting. Don’t remember this being mentioned.

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The cumulative pre-patch crying would have crushed the servers if they had mentioned it.


because the impact damage wasn’t. those sneaky little (insert swear here). no play test time on it. just a straight nerf. #BOOOOOOO

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Small change but… why we have PTR? i mean… they put Sombra’s changes on live without testing first in PTR, now Dva… whats the point?


Yep, figured it was only a matter of time before they decided to straight up nerf the D.Va. Some things never change :wink:

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I wonder if it was always 10 damage on PTR but not in the patch notes, I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a pretty easy miss.

Probably since there weren’t any bugs with it and you get the broadest data result pushing it to live. Not great considering the could just run it through PTR anyways but…

* Grabs Popcorn :popcorn: *



Now lets go for healers

Believe it or not but 99% of the time the PTR is just to test patch stability and not actually for balance testing… They do most of that internally.

I guess it’s to demotivate D.Va players from just face ramming with missiles and shotgun.

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Well after tiptoeing around nerfing her before and in the end actually buffing her for fear of backlash from the host of D.Va mains, it was about time.


This makes absolutely no sense.
Get punched by mech? 30 damage.
Get tackled by the whole rocket-boosted mech? 10 damage.

Don’t know if this is good for balance, but it’s just too funny.


Oh no her pick rate might drop from 97% to 95% :frowning: