D.va is the only unplayable tank

But Hammond isn’t only used in dive, he’s used in other comps. That’s why he doesn’t need a D.Va with him.

I think DVA is need to do dive against characters that have significant verticle mobility (with winston). For the most part, ball can also achieve similar results, but tends to be not AS good as countering ashe/hanzo/widow with significant verticle mobility.

I tend to ask for dva over ball when I see that lineup.

Contending high ground of course is great. Hammy needs to set up to swing to the high ground and that times significant timing and set up.

Hammond is purpose built to kill snipers idk what youre on about.

I think Winston and Dva are both good, but the meta doesn’t favour them since dive isn’t worth the effort most of the time.

I’d like to see teams try it on ladder, but whenever it might be needed they just go Symm + Bunker and TP to point. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, I agree that most other tanks are in a better place, but I really don’t think she’s bad.

D.va isn’t meant to be AMAZING at any job. D.va is good at all jobs, and is definitely still playable. The reason you think she’s not is because she’s not as good as any other hero at certain things, but you’re ignoring certain situations.

  1. Diving in with hamster and winston? Who’s gonna peel for the squishies? Hamster is too far out, and winston has trash damage to help you out, not to mention he’s already bubbled. Defense matrix helps here.
  2. Diving a bastion? Ball gets shredded, and so does winston. Defense matrix keeps everyone up long enough to get on the bastion.
  3. Enemy team has a pharah, reaper, tracer, zarya, or any other hero with a projectile ult? Defense matrix helps here.

And don’t even try to say sigma has DM: sigma’s suck is a small hitbox, especially compared to DM. There’s only one DM in the game, and D.va has it.

  1. Diving in with hamster and winston? Who’s gonna peel for the squishies? Hamster is too far out, and winston has trash damage to help you out, not to mention he’s already bubbled. Defense matrix helps here.

Run mercy lucio, mercy will have no problem zipping around staying safe and lucio is a terrible target to shoot at while being dived.

  1. Diving a bastion? Ball gets shredded, and so does winston. Defense matrix keeps everyone up long enough to get on the bastion.

tru, but thats an edge case and d.va ball would probably be optimal.

  1. Enemy team has a pharah, reaper, tracer, zarya, or any other hero with a projectile ult? Defense matrix helps here.

ball is extremely potent against all of these characters as their brawl has very little effect on hamster.

  1. In that case it works, but not in all cases.
  2. Yeah, makes sense
  3. It’s not about how one tank fares against them: you run D.va to help the team. Ball plays like a tracer with a lot more health if he wants: of course pharah won’t do anything to ball. But ball’s not gonna get any help when pharah blows half his team up with her ult.
  1. It’s not about how one tank fares against them: you run D.va to help the team. Ball plays like a tracer with a lot more health if he wants: of course pharah won’t do anything to ball. But ball’s not gonna get any help when pharah blows half his team up with her ult.

Pharahs going to have a real hard time getting in a position where shes not going to get instagibbed but also going to actually hit something against a comp like that.

Weird that the Pro meta consists of 50% Dva and 50% Hog (roughly).

Hit squishies, or monkey. Like, she definitely won’t hit ball, but anything else is up for grabs.

if you paid attention to my previous posts you would understand that her entire function in this is to eat orisas broken pull and the fact that you could trade hog just to eat pulls is more a testament to how broken orisa is right now than d.va being any good.

You’re not seeing that D.va brings flexibility to a team comp. Hog is a one trick pony, and so is Zarya. D.va just does a lot of stuff.

Yeah, we need more off tanks. part of the problem of balancing d.va is she keeps so many characters like ana in check and if you were to delete DM or make d.va bad enough to not use then ana would have free reign. we need more tanks capable of nullifying these abilities before making d.va more specialized dive off tank instead of the generalist she is now.

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So she is viable, because she can eat things with her dm, which is always the reason she is meta(+her mobility, which also helps eat things).
So dva is still strong enough.

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in the same way rein was strong during goats, he individually is not good but the state of the meta and the synergies within it means hes still usable. in the same way d.va is only good because she denies orisas huge utillity in pull. if orisa wasn’t meta, d.va wouldn’t.

i play dva at lot of course, dva is ok might need a tiny bit of armour or even the huge crit box adjusted like hog has had done bc without useing her dm your going to get deaded fast. other than that shes ok :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

If orisa wasn’t meta and say rein/zar was, D.va would still be meta. Eating grav/firestrike/random dps stuff is still good.

Dva is far from unplayable but she is 100% without a doubt the bottom of the tank tier list only beating out Rein right now. With Sigma now having a defense matrix of his own it will inevitably render her Defense matrix useless. Had a great example of it last night as my tank who was Sigma ate a Zarya ult. So now with 2-2-2 locked in I’d be ok with buffing something…no idea what tho.

Not really, D.va is nice and all but solo tank Winston and Wrecking Ball have had no problems without D.va. She is perfectly playable tho’, I prefer her to Roadhog in Bunker on ladder so that the DPS aren’t forced to take Mei for Halt/Hook (because they never do anyway).

Her synergy with Hammond got gutted tho’, I really hate that.

Honestly, I do good with that situational hero. But I am the only good Dva I’ve ever seen. Other dvas are so god awful