she screams “buff this” and her mech explodes and stuns everyone for 1s but deals 1 damage and she dies in the process
I would cry. But honestly I would still player her lol
Who the hell is Dmon? DigiMons? 0_o
You don’t know?!?! She’s the mother of all main tanks, rivals in cuteness, widow in elegance yet doomfist in brutality. Her mech beast is 2x the size of Reinhardt yet she’s about as tall as She is a gift from the heavens. You see her in short as a squad member. She operates the red hulk brawler mech with two shields. One on each arm. her mech can be seen on the ptr busan map
You know that move in Iron Man 2 where Tony Stark uses laser beams to cut down all the drones.
It should be that.
I didn’t even think about that. But that would be really cool coming out of each hand.
Im so confused =\ This is secret cool kids stuff.
Did you watch the short? Or see the mechs on the new busan map? Ill catch you up lol
Omfg yes pleaseeeeee
I want the ULT to be a huge laser cannon blast that just obliterates anything in front of it.
Blows a valley into the middle of a mountain
If you gave it a charge up time, you could make it so it even went through barriers.
Kinda like Deadeye… youd need to be smart about where and when to use it.
Lol I like it but rip orisa. Blasted to a new dimension lol
If u made it do like 5-600 she could fortify it as her counter.
That’s actually good. Leaving her with 100 health To finish right? Is fortify a straight 50% reduction?
D.Mon is Yuna Lee who is a pilot with MEKA revealed from the animated short “Shooting Star”
If the red one is D.Mon’s than it has arms. Maybe rocket fist? I want to say rocket fist. Nuclear rocket fist.
I imagine her and doomfist punching at the same time. Shattering his gauntlet, breaking his arm and she picks him up by his face after slamming him lol
Just to confirm. The red one is D.mon
After a short charge up, fires a wide beam of energy straight forward that pierces barriers and enemies and deals 200 damage per second to any enemies it touches.
This is blocked by terrain and physical things such as Ice Wall.
D. Mon is rooted in place while using Annihilator.
Can turn mech while channeling laser but it moves painstakingly slow so it can’t really be used to wipe an area back and forth.
Cast time: 1.5 seconds
Duration: 5 seconds
Range: Infinite
Cost: 1500
For an ult at least, see those green shields she deploys from her arms?
Imagine 10 of them spinning around you in a circle at around the radius of Winston’s bubble, blocking damage & dealing knockback+damage to any enemies that come into contact with the spinning shields. Transformation lasting say 8-10 seconds, during which she can use her other abilities as normal, i.e. punching, shielding, boosting etc. Maybe have each shield have it’s own health pool so they can be destroyed during the ult?
Look up the Earthen Aegis arcana from the game Wizard of Legend, like that.
EDIT: Earthen Aegis shown at 7:15