D/C or Leaver Detection

I hope i am in the right spot but should have a detector to see if a player has D/C or actually left easy way just detect if they did leave game if not then D/C and should not get Penalized. if they don’t return to game due to D/C and happens way too often then due to loosing then penalized.

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Please don’t reply or open new threads because I’m heading to the hospital due to the aneurism I just had from reading that.

WOW PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO SALTY AND RUDE. cant people give good criticism then be rude all the time

Doesn’t matter why they left the game, they should be penalized.

Even if its not there fault and could not connect fast enough to finish the game?

Idk… if this happens too often in a period if time, then it is the players fault I guess?

If I know that my internet currently has problems or that my graphic card driver causes errors, then I do not play online games with teams…

There could be an automated system though, which controls when you leave. For example when you leave after your first death, the loss of the first point, right before a match ends etc… And if this happens too often in a given period of time, the punishment gets triggered.

Wrong. It’s not always the players fault, in fact, when I played on PC, 9/10 times I got dc’d because of Blizzards crap servers. You’re telling me I should be punished for Blizzard’s problem? I can’t control the servers, therefore, I should not be punished.

The one time it wasn’t Blizzard’s servers, it was my IP resetting my router for some reason in the middle of the day.

So no, you shouldn’t penalize everyone because a lot of people do actually leave while some are unlucky enough to have a DC occur.

So you don’t want someone punished if their internet goes down and disconnects?

The game deliberately does not distinguish between disconnections/crashes and those who actually leave the game. In Competitive Play this is important for two very important reasons. First, there is no way to distinguish a disconnection or crash caused due to a legitimate technical malfunction, versus that of one that was caused deliberately by someone trying to avoid getting a leaver penalty or prevent SR loss. Secondly, whether you left intentionally or not, leaving the game is still leaving. By penalizing those who left due to a technical issue, that player will be incentivized to correct their problem before attempting to play a high stake game mode like Competitive again.

Competitive penalties start small at only a 10- minute suspension from Competitive Play, but can quickly escalate to a season ban if a player is neglectant and continues to try and play with a known issue. Remember Competitive Season Bans cannot be appealed and accumulating three season Bans on an account will result in a permanent ban from Competitive. As always, Blizzard Support Agents and players like myself are available to help anyone who needs to resolve disconnections or crashes in the Technical Support forum. To learn more about Blizzard’s policy on this please see this post:

Write it in the form of a c[quote=“WyomingMyst-1633, post:10, topic:438627”]
The game deliberately does not distinguish between disconnections/crashes and those who actually leave the game. In Competitive Play this is important for two very important reasons. First, there is no way to distinguish a disconnection or crash caused due to a legitimate technical malfunction, versus that of one that was caused deliberately by someone trying to avoid getting a leaver penalty or prevent SR loss.

This. I can lean over and unplug my network cable. Boom, instant disconnection. Completely indistinguishable from a legit crash/outage.

They did. My friend rage quit two matches ok Volskaya, both well before the one minute mark, and the game was not cancelled.