Cyclops Roadhog Twitch Drops broken

that’s surprising, isn’t OW still doing decent in EU and ASIA servers? why don’t they use their own forum?


And I didn’t even know an EU version existed until 2 years after I started using forums and I’m in Europe myself.

Same problem here, I have finished the twitch drops and claimed the highlight and victory pose, after I claimed them I don’t see them in my game, I haven’t claimed the Hog skin yet because it might bug again. So any updates on this?

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Same error, more than 24 hours and I still don’t receive the drops.

Same here as well, I have not received any of the drops.

It’s a bug. If you haven’t earned the cosmetics through drops, they will be available to you for purchase with coins, right now, as of this moment. They already take about a day to register in the game after earning them in twitch. The problem is once they register, they become locked and unavailable.

P.S. Obligatory “same here”.

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I’m new to Overwatch, so I connected my Twitch account to my Bnet the same day I started watching for the rewards, so far I’ve unlocked all 3 rewards, but they’re not in my account so I reckon it’ll be fixed in the following days.

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same here, more than 16 hours after unlocking… :frowning: :face_in_clouds:

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I don’t really care about these twitch drops, but I hope they fix this before the drops become something on a hero I like. (It’s also bugged for me)

Same problem here i havent got any of the drops that i already claimed

Ditto. With this many people having issues, hopefully we get an official response.

same, linked, claim on twitch. nothing is the game

Saaaaaaaaaaame! I guess I’m glad to see it’s not just me having this problem and it’s a lot of people omg. My first drop earned was two days ago and the others yesterday. I never had this problem before claiming drops and they always showed up quickly. I really hope we all can get some kind of answers and help about this. Ugh!

Same :/, it won’t workkkkk

Yeah, I noticed it too, I watched the 9h for the whole bundle and I don’t have them

Small indie company didnt get me my free skin smh my head

Same issue, haven’t gotten them despite unlocking two parts two days ago and the skin yesterday.

I have the same problem yup…

I just noticed this myself. All earned from Twitch, nothing received.

Same here, all of them claimed