Custa's Mercy comments

part of the mercy hate is also because of the failed rework and 6 months of her being OP

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Add Ana in there, i like your list

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No they’re relevant. Mercy has unlimited mobility and auto heals and damage boost. Better kit and regen. Only thing Mercy lack is a cc.

The hilarious part is that rework has been entirely self-inflicted on the Mercy haters.

They whined about mass rez being uncounterable when you could find the hiding Mercy, intercept the hiding Mercy, or simply save up an ult to kill everyone post-rez again. But that would require team play and we can’t have that in a team game.

Now they’re stuck with her, because they’ve been too “git gud” to learn basic counterplay. Even post-nerf, the rez as an ability is so rewarding, the pro-scene has to almost always run her. I’m not saying Mercy needs nerfs - I’m just commenting on the absurdity of how we got here.


People who think it’s hard to play mercy are the same people who think reaper needs a nerf

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No anti heal or cross-map sniper damage either, though.

Um? Except the part where he says that when you do something right nobody notices and thus your action goes completely ignored while in the dps case a bad descision wont lose you a game.

For example the resurrect on the right teamate with a teamwhiping ult when multiple people are dead isnt even acknowledged, but the kills the dps gets when pressing Q is like the biggest thing everyone talks about.

Another example, if you make a bad descision as mercy it means that you either die leaving your team without any sustain which loses you the fight or you let someone else die because you didnt heal them in time or they were out of position and now youre a man down which is far far more detrimental than a dps deciding not to kill a low health enemy.

Its little things like these that make a big difference that of course as custa said nobody notices


False. I think Mercy is hard to play correctly and I don’t think Reaper needs a nerf. I have a lot of respect for good Reapers. There just aren’t many of them anymore.

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That’s true though, Invincible during rez and no los required was destroying comp. It was an actual legit complaint. They should of fixed the los and take invulnerable off. People were ranking to GM with sub 40% winrate just because of the broken SR system with amount rez you can pull off.

Yeah because the 100% movement on mercy in valk was 100% counter able and the triple instant rez every 1 minute. Total counter able.

Even now pick rate still hoovering around 10% and still ridiculous easy to play with a still OP kit. Rez > all other support ability. Also her auto aim heal or damage boost will still out heal any heal/damage than any support main. But hey least required skill hero being the best one available. Not op at all.

Please, having a flanker kill her while she’s hiding or saving an ultimate to kill everyone after rez is not hard. This is why Mercy was never picked in the pro scene before the rework. If she was so OP before her rework, wouldn’t the pros take advantage of that instead of running Lucio and Zen on everything like they did back then?

See, I was fine with Mercy before the rework, and I still think that Mercy was more fun to play.

I agree about the SR gain, though, mostly because personal performance-based SR gain is stupid to begin with in a team game. It should be flat +/- 25 on every rank, not just Diamond and above.

I never said she one as a whole. The SR thing and LOS with being invulnerable was really broken it was an easy fix. They didn’t do it. But to simple state it was easy to stop it wasn’t. Moment you press q/spacebar you couldn’t kill her. It was dumb, just like double jump genji, or Tank Killer Mccree or body shot widow. They were nerf. Mercy was reworked into a OP beyond belief machine.

Pharmercy was pretty viable pre rework. It stopped a lot of dive comp who didn’t run it.

No, it didn’t. Before the rework, every dive comp ran Lucio and Zen. No one ran Mercy. Look at World Cup. Literally no team ran Mercy. If pre-rework Mercy was so oppressive, how come?


Please don’t turn this topic into another “Mercy was better before” topic. :pray:

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Yes, this. This thread wasn’t meant to discuss the rework. I don’t want it to get moved to the megathread.

I’m not sure how you can discuss Mercy without the rework…

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Custa was just talking about playing her now. How she used to be played doesn’t really change how pros use her now.

Ok, no point in this. Nearly every team ran pharmercy in KOTH matches before rework. But hey w/e. I would gladly post links but i can’t so google simple Fleta and Mangachu. Watched their teams before mercy rework

No point in this indeed. Without links this is just a he-said-she-said.

I guess.

Is Fuel still crap with her? I quit watching OWL for a while because of serious caster cringe. There should be an option to only hear game sounds, but it’s probably difficult to set up.

Good read. I remember people posted that Mercy required more game sense than other character and people flipped out. After the valk nerfs, and slow cool downs that make you sitting duck for free kills. It substantially made her harder to play and increase risk. Blizzard is too stubborn to increase her star difficulty and too lazy to update the animation/proper character description for months.

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Google is hard to use now OK. Can’t get over how stubbron you really are. “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.” So yeah what ever, say what ever and believe what ever to what you deem fit. In order to fuel your agenda.