Current state of symmetra

She is ok, but very close to being as bad as Sombra. She needs tweaks and buffs to compensate for the nerfs they gave her. Double barrier is over, yet her nerfs still remain.

Sym is being left behind, just like Sombra. This game is changing and moving on, but without her.

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They gave her offence? Last I checked they nerfed her turret damage and primary fire damage and erased turret bombing as a strat

Well they did. I mean the buffs they DO give her.

That regaining temp shield idea is a good one. I’m assuming you mean something like doomfist passive ?

She’s alright at playing Ghetto Hanzo and getting unplanned kills due to 140 damage large-AE balls. But that’s about it.

It’s a sad state of affairs compared to the shield-giving idea of Sym 1.0. Which didn’t work out, don’t get me wrong, but it felt far more interesting, plus we desperately need more support and tank players anyway.


  • Make Sym all about providing shields and safe zones with her turrets, make her a support.
  • Give Mei more health, less focus on ice block, more on slowing less on freezing, make her a tank.
  • Give Doomfist more health, more shields, far less damage, more displacement, make him a tank.

she is terrible. in the 2nd worst state she’s ever been (worst being sym1.0).

old 3.0 tp coming back is fine because we have literally years of objective data across various metas showing it wasn’t OP at all.

there isn’t much of a reason why orbs can’t be like 30m/s or so at 120 damage per orb despite what devs have said because it’s still slower than pharah rockets, still need charge time, still having that 0.55s wind down time (i.e. not actually 120dps), not having pharah’s sneaky angles, etc. like it’s a change that rewards those that can aim orbs and not affecting those that can’t and it helps sym out at range during her down times which are and will still be pretty long compared to most other heroes.

I did an explanation post on reddit about TP that got nice traction:

and I did an analysis of pathways for sym buffs without reworks here that didn’t get much traction:


And old TP!

Kind of but instead of instant shields on hit you’d need to build it up over time.

I want to see another rework because maybe I will like it more. Give me another mulligan.

The OP is merely asking for feedback about the current state of symmetry! No need to get passive aggressive about it. The OP is not even a symm main.

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Sym is not bad, stop using her as a teleport bot. She is insane at breaking shields if you play straight up (normal), play with your rein and break the other teams shield, power up and you do insane dmg, use your tp to teleport turrets on top of the other team as a distraction/maybe get a cheeky kill. TP strats are good yes, but you don’t always need to play her that way. She’s a 2cp hero only imo, doesn’t work well on other modes, besides maybe 1 or 2 control maps where you can just teleport straight onto point. She’s a surprise/cheese hero. Her ult is one of if not the best team winning ult in the game. It’s a giant basically unkillable wall that your team can shoot through and the enemy can’t. It’s super cheesy.

This is my masters gameplay, I just play sym to mess around. She’s actually really really good at 2cp imo. Even in OWL they sometimes use sym to catch the other team off guard, catching people off guard is a really powerful thing in overwatch. Overwatch 2020 02 22 03 43 00 04 DVR - YouTube

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The fact that she’s only good at one of the many modes should be enough to make her be looked at.

Do u suggest any maps that people should try to use her on? Because i know shes particularly strong on maps like hanamura and volskaya, maybe as a masters player you could give some insight on to how and where to use her seeing as youd prob have more experience than a plat dps like me

And you’re the type of person that believes every hero should be playable in every situation, this game was designed on counters and map design. Sym is fine, she’s playable on every mode… I’m just stating what she should be played on just like every other hero. Just like if you played doom into sombra mccree, you’re throwing and should get off that hero. Same thing.

Ill just post so you can reply.

Any 2cp map, lijang tower is the only decent control map because teleporting your team straight onto point when the game starts can be strong, just bunker down on the point with 3 turrets up. You have point control right away and the enemy team needs to come to you.

Nothing wrong with Sym if you understand how she works.


This doesn’t mean she’s viable in every mode.

Except it isn’t the same thing, sym doesn’t counter anyone, and it feels like everyone counters her. For her to be play " normally " and be effective either the enemy team has no idea how to focus a squishy af hero, or your team has to be hard pocketing and shielding you 24/7. Some maps just don’t work sym at all. This cannot be said for any other hero( apart from bastion maybe but it’s obvious he can’t be good).

Yeah? Is that what you think?