Curious how many bugs are due to latency

I like to lurk at a lot of the bug report threads and am curious just to how many bugs for many heroes (particularly Doomfist since he is a melee hero) are due to the server receiving two bits of conflicting info around the same time.

Are some of these bugs simply not possible to fix due to that specific situation? Outside of those players playing through local connection only like the OWL does of course.

Will characters like Doomfist and Sombra have some of these issues forever if they are indeed latency based?

Latency based issues will always be around, but there are ways to mitigate the issues.

Simple things like always following through on certain actions long as it was visible in the client, like projectiles.

Overwatch used to have this system in place, but they slowly started phasing it out.

Overwatch always had super bad netcode. On top of that they brainlessly design abilities even viable netcode won’t handle unless you play in 0 ping LAN.

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Shame even projectiles get the short end of the stick. If you die while firing a projectile it vanishes. I can’t tell you how many times I only launch half a volley of shots as Lucio because I died just after firing the last two of the four. So on my end I heard the shots go, but on the client side they never made it.

Some projectiles just vanish on character death in general. It’s a real annoyance.


Hitscan has a similar issue, where the netcode doesn’t honor aiming coordinates, and it’s frustrating to see a well aimed shot turn into a miss.

I think the most often hitscan VS server client I see is with McCree and Flashbang causing the head to wobble. On your side you hit, but the head wobble made it so on client side it was a miss.

see bug #1 in this thread

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