Crying for Shields

Omg you can’t get carried by EZ OP broken shields anymore??
Holy sht you might actually have to use your brain now to play a shield tank?!?!?


i’m with you there tbh, hammond is the only fun tank to play. learning his rollouts are very entertaining

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There you go, fixed it, position better


This is again with role queue, hero ban. Literally all over again . And now with shields. Majority wants something, they complain, it’s changed. And then the other people are frustrated. It’s a complete wasted segment of their time. And ours. Because we are constantly battling each other for different changes. So there will never be a win


that there is my point…it’s not fun playing shield tank, especially when the only good option is Rein…that’s why there’s so many tanks choosing to go double off tank


Better balance instead of hero pools would be a FAT “W”.


Better balancing?

Balancing will only last for so long regardless if it’s a well done job or not. Because once a new hero comes in. Boom nerfs buffs starts all over again. There is no silver lining in this. Example was already this thread itself. Tanks not having enough shields, so it makes people not want to play main tank all the time


Yes yes we are get wrecked high level scrubs I refuse to go higher then plat. I got drugged kicking and screaming out of gold cuz freinds only play comp 2+

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I know, it just keeps happening. And, what really frustrates me is I’m not really the person who goes back on what they want.

Like, in the quoted part of my reply, I talked about how, before the release of Sigma, there was a lot of people clamoring for other barrier options. I was one of those people. But I also didn’t get instantly upset once Sigma was released and was powerful. Yeah, maybe he was a bit of a must pick, higher up, but at least I felt like I had options.

And, then the community goes freaking nuts and ends up getting these alternate options nerfed into the ground. Now, I don’t even want to touch Sigma or Orisa, because of what they’re becoming. Especially, the barrier changes. One of the stupidest things they’ve ever done in Overwatch was give Sigma a one-second deploy cooldown. It makes his shield so clunky that it’s not even funny. Not to mention that a Orisa’s Shield is now wet toilet paper on a 10 second cool down.

So, the only real good shield to play is Rein, now. But, there’s multiple problems with that. The fact that you need two Tanka is one thing and he’s the only good Shield. The fact that not everyone likes to play him, So you might end up with no shield. And, the fact that we are losing viable options, and we’re probably in a worse spot than we were before Sigma’s release overall (at least in my opinion)

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have no issue being critical of the developers. I do it myself. But when a lot of the community basically begs for the developers to add extra options, and then they whine about it the second they’re added, it just pisses me off. And, then those of us who actually enjoy the extra options, get screwed over due to nerfs and all that.

The balance in this game and the opinion of the community is just giving me a headache. “This thing’s overpowered, this thing is underpowered. We want more of this, but then when it’s added we’re going to complain”. It makes me want to pull my hair out, man and I don’t even make the bloody game.


And they certainly won’t queue for tank to play AS a shield tank.


It’s their job to constantly balance the game. Better balancing would allow more comps to be more viable which would help the stagnant meta problem. Better balancing along with more heroes would mean metas would not stagnate and there would always be more unique comps.

Hero pools is just extremely lazy.

This was literally me with mercy when she got her “rework” I still call it a nerf.

I thought I’m never going to play her again. She’s such a stupid hero to be now and such a waste of such good potential. and she still is but I still play her cause she’s my main ever since Overwatch began.

But a lot of changes are made because it’s what the community wants. Then they all of a sudden want these nerfs and buffs to change what they wanted in the first place.

Tanks have too much shield
Let’s nerf them
Where are the main tanks?
Well I don’t wanna play because it’s just begging to be more of spamwatch for the tanks, and all these tanks are getting nerfed

I think what needs to happen at this point is Blizzard just go with their guts. Because at this point majority seems to be the ones who are getting these changes and they can’t make their mind up. And the people who want change for the better in regards to these issues like tank mains and support mains. They go unheard CLEARY as seen with the shields.


The funny thing is, I had no issue doing it before. I’m not saying that I played shield every match, but I didn’t mind it overall.

Now, though? Not with the way Orisa and Sigma are. And, as much as I do like Rein, I get burnt out. I don’t hero main and I don’t one trick. playing one hero for too long just makes me bored.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand the direction they were trying to take. I just think some of this is too much. I understand trying to shift Sigma’s power and all that. But, at least can we revert the stupid shield deploy cooldown. It shouldn’t have been there in the first place. If you got to lower his damage and stuff, fine. But at least don’t make him a clunky piece of crap.

And, don’t even get me started on Orisa. At this point, she might as well not even have a shield, it’s so crappy (especially, if you’re playing with a single barrier tank). And, if they keep nerfing her, she’s going to be about as threatening as a teddy bear.


It’s their job yes it’s why they are TRYING out hero pools. To see how it could change up meta’s everyone’s perspective is oh my character is going to be banned for a week its stupid

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Yeah, all I can really say is maybe going forward this will get better. With them trying more often and more aggressive balance changes, them trying new ideas in the experimental card, and them even trying stuff like hero pools. Maybe something will finally stick and make this game not feel like I’m banging my head against the wall every other patch. Especially, lately.

But, that remains to be seen. I do hope for the best though


Like i said, with better balance, metas would switch up naturally.

It’s always the special flakes DPS that comes to forum screaming for nerfs. Lol


People nowadays expect each role to do good and then blame the role that isnt them

tank–> dps–>support–>tank–>support–>dps

its funny really.

people ask for hero nerfs and hero bans and then complain when they get the cons of those requests
its like hmm you requested something you take the good and the bad ma dude

I’ll only request a shield if my team has no idea how to play behind walls and pillars, and immediately gets full damage into their faces.

At the same time I just think they’ll learn eventually. But it gets annoying when your team mates refuse to play with common sense.

Then again, it’s less to do with the shield than it’s having a lick of awareness.


Been saying that for a long time, the community is way to nerf heavy.

The playstyle of old Brig fit me like a glove it was like playing a paladin which is my favorite RPG class and it brought a melee brawler to the supports which I loved. Now while she’s balanced to the community she’s unfun to me.