I don’t have all the numbers in front of me, so if I mess this up a little bit forgive me.
When Sigma was first released, you could pretty much recall and send out his barrier at will. The only thing was there was something like a 0.25 second delay before the barrier started to come out. Well, one of his early nerfs was: they removed this delay, but instead gave him a one second cooldown to re-deploy. So, it went like this: Deploy, Retract, wait 1 second to deploy again, Deploy it, retract, and so on.
One second may not sound like a lot, but it made his barrier super clunky. You couldn’t reposition with any sort of fluidity anymore. Which, included stuff like helping block line of sight for widow and countering Pharah’s Ult. And, when that was one of the only few nerfs he made, I was semi okay with it. But, now it’s the point that they’ve nerfed pretty much every part of his kit, but still kept that.
So, Now he’s weaker power wise and extremely clunky. It makes him a real pain to play (in my opinion)