Crossplay aim assist

The omission of aim assist for console players is an obvious huge mistake that I’m surprised Blizzard still hasn’t rectified.

Console players hate it because it puts them at a disadvantage.

PC players hate it because they don’t want gimped console players on their team.

Just turn it on.


There have been controller players on PC for years and there has never been aim assist on PC, and there is also a grandmaster player who streams and he uses controller

Maybe they should have made crossplay for consoles only so y’all could have kept the aim assist stuff

I’ve not had a single console player in any of my PC matches, so it feels like the crossplay update only benefit consoles only as there doesn’t seem to be a lot queuing with people from PC.

That’s because some people commit to learning the game without aim assist, and they spend a lot of time getting good at it.

For a console player who’s used to playing with it on, going into a game without aim assist is like having to learn a whole new game. Aim assist means one sensitivity when looking around, and another when looking at an enemy – having it off throws that muscle memory out the window.

And I don’t agree that it should be consoles only, but that’s for another thread. Right now it is between PC and consoles, and the implementation is terrible and needs to be fixed.


I think the reason they did it so people can’t make some sort of program cause if they allow console on PC games to use aim assist that means it will be a feature on PC too and im sure someone would make something similar to xims but much more easily accessible without having to buy some sort of device

Is aiming with console aim mechanics and turn speed limit worth having aim assist if you are good with kbm? I feel like it would only help actual controller users

Those programs already exist though, they’re called cheats. If someone was going to use a program to enable aim assist, why wouldn’t they cheat?

A lot of cheaters are smart enough not to use a program that just locks enemy heads across the map. They use a system which will pull the trigger for you when you move your crosshair over an enemy’s head, or some of them will help you track a target – much like aim assist.

yes of course ppl with xims do and they aim so good cause of it lol

they cost hundreds

but i guess ur right too

I’m saying would anyone that can actually use kbm give up fast strafing, fast 180, and use an emulated analog stick just for aim slow down?

what are u even talking about lol I was talking about people being able to use aim assist on KB & M

Btw I found quote from MvP on the forums

Yeah I’m aware of Blizz’s stance on this. To me it really shows their lack of understanding of their console game.

There are two aspects to aim assist. There’s the sensitivity adjustment when you aim near an enemy, and there’s the sticky reticle.

The sensitivity adjustment doesn’t give you any more of an advantage than you’d get using a DPI button on a mouse. It just allows you to aim precisely without having to take 5 years to turn around.

The sticky reticle is another issue and something I wish they would get rid of. You can be aiming at a Lucio 10m away that’s moving left, but it will try and force you to aim at the Zarya 5m away moving right, because it only cares about the closest enemy.

It can be just as much of a hindrance as an advantage, especially in a game like Overwatch, where you often want to kill the further back squishies before the front line tanks.

Basically I don’t think Blizzard have a point for turning it off. They’re just scared of backlash from PC players about aim assist, so instead they created backlash from PC players about gimped console players. And it’s silly, because aim assist doesn’t really give you an advantage over PC players, but no aim assist gives them a huge advantage over you.

It all just directly simulates controller analog stick input.

The experience of aim assist vs non-aim assist is horrendous. Take Fortnite for example. The competitive community can’t go 2 seconds without mentioning how terrible playing against console players is.

PC players don’t hate carrying console players. We hate aim assist in of itself. It has no place in a PC match.

Console/PC groups should be in console lobbies. It’s that simple. Console players can keep aim assist, still play with PC friends, and the PC game doesn’t need to be tainted by soft aim bots.

No. There is a very big difference between the game automatically slowing down ur sensitivity when close to an enemy, and pressing a button over and over to do it yourself. Not that anyone would realistically be doing that on most heroes in ow.

I’m fine if they allow aim assist, but also let pc opt out.