Cross-over skins: Jaina Proudmoore

this skin yells for mercy

The cloak gives off a similar silhouette, I’d say Moira but Moira’s body is too weird looking #BodyShaming #LizardPeople

Well, Mercy has a staff, so there is cool stuff you can do with that. Can’t have a mage without a staff.

Harry Potter ?

They had wands not staffs

Mage dude, mage. Different from wizards and witches.

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aa ok sorry :man_facepalming:

That’s why I think shes a great fit too, really cool things you can do to Jaina’s staff to make it work on Mercy. Blizzard is no stranger to changing the hair style on characters so that I’m not worried about. But design-wise the side cloth matches Moira’s outline, IF they’re concerned about that thing.

I’d say mercy might be best but she isn’t a dps. So… Go mei! Ice mei!

Lorewise sure they match up, but their designs don’t

How about Jaina skin for Symmetra ?

( her abilities might fit well )

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Might actually, but it leaves the staff out which is pretty iconic to Jaina.

Why leave it out, make Symmetra´s weapon a staff which blasts ice

I think Symmetra would actually fit this cross-over

You could easily work her gun into this design.

yeah, her kit is also similar

then how about Jaina skin for ?

Her mech would be ice golem

For sure not Brigitte, because she is the proverbial archetype of a WoW paladin, with her flail and shield! Heck, it even got a lion on it, which is the symbol animal of the alliance.

So this leaves Moira and Mercy. Maybe Mercy, because Moira has too elongated and pointed feet.

Probably Mercy due to the caster type look, both with staves.

Ana’s stance wouldn’t work.

Moira’s stance also.

Brigitte if anything will get a Crusader/Paladin skin.

Brigitte as Liandren ?

I have no idea who that is. Is that one of those Draenei palies?

Well I do not actually play WoW, but it is a skin for Paladin in Hearthstone

So maybe :exploding_head: ?

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