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The flame is nothing compared to the lawsuit I’m going to file


Wow, there is really a lot of hard work in this post. I hope people (and especially Blizzard) actually take their time and read this.


i still think she needs a toggle fire option now B(

who is the real nevermore shrug

I agree with everything except for the energy ball. In my opinion its one of the few things they got right. Symm 2.0 had no reliable long range damage due to how slow the orbs were. Id rather have this crummy explosion radius if it means faster orbs.

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We were told they’d go thrice as fast (30 m/s) VS the 20 m/s we currently have. If they made good on that I’d be significantly happier. God forbid an aspect of Sym be consistent.

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What an impressive wall of text. As a verbose Symmetra main myself I took the time to read it. You made some interesting points, some of which I agree with and others I do not. I feel that overall her rework put her in a much better place, which is one where normal number changes would make her a good pick.

I will start by saying that her primary is garbage, and it is only because of the damage ramp. The level three beam is not that bad of a weapon, it just takes too long to get there. If they removed her damage ramp her primary would feel good except when fighting armor. Other than that I feel that her kit has been actually buffed. Her overall damage dealing potential is not much better, but the rest of what she brings to the team is a lot stronger than the weak utility she had before. The problem is you have to play her completely differently now.

Symmetra’s playstyle has made a big shift from using strategy to using tactics. Before you needed to have everything set up before the enemy team arrived. But now everything can be used during engagements to some degree of effectiveness. This allows her to have a much more active playstyle. I find that now I have a lot of fun and success using her as an ambush flanker to build up an ult that allows me to function as an off tank.

Her teleporter is actually very good in my opinion. It could use its set up time reduced, but other than that it brings great mobility to Symmetra, and even Symmetra’s team if you are able to find people able to work with you. Use the teleporter to get to high ground where you can flank the team. Bounce around different points during a team fight to keep your orbs coming from different directions. It is a lot harder to dodge something that is coming at you from behind. A lot of the points in 2cp maps can be reached faster with Symmetra’s new teleporter than with lucio. The windows on leijing tower are great for this.

Being able to throw her turrets allows her to use them aggressively. Throw them around a person and start throwing orbs at them. Since you can throw them, you are able to instantly set up in areas that you enter. I usually tele to high ground. Throw down a turret with me if any one tries to dive me and throw the other two behind the enemy team to start taking out the supports. During team fights throw them out to keep up damage on the enemy team and to force their fire away from people to deal with the threat. The trick is knowing when to throwing them out as they come off cool down and when to start saving them to have all three deployed at once.

One thing I have found a lot of success with is throwing down a teleporter and tossing my turrets in at different angles. The tele serves as a distraction that allows that turrets to spread around and deal damage in a way that makes them harder to kill. You can often with your faster orbs get kills without ever setting foot in an area. I know you can also put them on the base of the tele, but they die to aoe much faster that way.

As far as her ult is, I have found that it is useless if you use it as a Rein or Orisa Shield. I almost always throw it so that it is going forward, that way you can use it to shield dance allowing you to be shielded as you push into a point or pay load. I find that in most games I get gold damage and leave with just as much damage blocked, which I think is really neat.

That being said I think she could still use some buffs. I would suggest the following:

Primary fire: Remove the ramp up to flat 180 damage. Boom suddenly sexy weapon.

Turrets. Increase the amount she can hold, but not deploy. That way she can have more stored to throw out. I would love if they gave us a few more in exchange for less damage on each, but just because I feel like I protect way less of an area.

Teleporter: Decrease the set up time which allows it to be used more in combat. I already have been able to have some success using it to disengage and a quicker set up time would make that more consistent.

In the end, it sounds like you are just having trouble adapting to Symmetra’s new play style. Which is fair considering how different it is. She is still a hero that rewards thinking and predicting, you just have to start approaching things differently. Never be on the front lines, teleport you and someone around and start causing chaos. When they are shooting at turrets and teles they are not shooting at you and your team.

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I agree that heroes need to be able to work for multiple people, but I think you will find that overwatch is making a general move to make character more active. They are trying to make it big as an e-sport, which means they need their characters to be ‘fun to watch’ which is a term that people usually use to describe active play kits. Most heroes that took a more passive role in the game are being moved in a direction to make them more active and engaging. I won’t say that I think this is a good idea, but it is at least what I feel like they are doing.

But there is a difference between being active versus passive and aggressive versus defensive. Blizzard is moving away from passive heroes but not away from defensive ones. (The elimination of the offense and defense categories does not eliminate some heroes being more offensive or defensive than others. I will agree that Symmetra’s playstyle is more active. But while the rework has allowed her to play more aggressively, she has not lost her ability to be a strong defensive force. Her kit allows her to work both ways. She can be aggressive and go after the enemy team or play defensively to support and help her team. Her niche has opened up slightly, allowing her kit to see more use.

If you like her because she was passive, then I could see why her rework might not appeal to you. But I honestly don’t think that being passive was the part that you really enjoyed, because I don’t hear mention of sitting around and waiting to ambush or punish people. You talk about thoughtfulness and outthinking your opponent. And if that is what you are looking for the new symmetra actually does it better than the old one.

Being able to move around with a teleporter opens up new ways to surprise and disrupt the enemy team. Being able to throw sentries just means you don’t have to walk up to a wall to set them up, you can get on to doing other things. You are still reworded for predicting your enemy, and have many more ways to do so. And you can even play defensively, staying back and moving your team. You don’t have to be behind the enemy lines to set up turrets that can hurt them. You can also set them up to prevent the enemy team to go forward. If you have another good dps, you can use all your sentries to focus on the flankers, between them and your orbs you can keep your back line safe. You don’t have to be hunting down the enemy team to be putting in work for your team.

In the end, if you enjoy playing passively, spending large portions of the game not actually doing anything and just waiting on something to happen, then yes this rework has moved her in a bad direction. But I feel that being passive is what leads to people having a bad opinion of the character, because there are large portion of the game where you are not doing anything that your team can see, so they don’t think you are helping, even if you are carrying them.

If you like playing defensively I would love to talk about ways you can still do that with her new kit, because you have to do it much differently than before. But if you like playing passively, I feel that overwatch is moving in a direction that you will not enjoy and they will not change their mind because they feel they will make more money as an e-sport.

Though way more verbose than I could tolerate, this thread had a bunch of content I was looking for that didn’t seem to exist in other posts on the forums, thank you! I still feel inspired enough to make my own post - I think - but I appreciate what’s here.