Cricket phone number means no OW2?

Help me get on the game, I’m not changing phone plans to help Activisions corporate allys


wow the audacity of actually reading the article, the discussion of the sms and why and that if you don’t we sure hope you can rely on the kindness of others (borrowing their phone for this like they are available at your will to play). It feels like a giant middle finger to those who use a prepaid or your phone carrier classifies it that way for whatever reason.


There are other ways to stop players from smurfing and cheaters from leveling without stopping tens of thousands of people who have been playing the game for a long time to play


What gets me are the people that can’t get into the game but their numbers did link. Still in the same boat as the rest of us. Yet we are just scum. Think about that for a second. The slightly less screwed feel above those more screwed. They have less problems so ours don’t count. Yet they are also complaining that they can’t play due to servers. What is the general idea that is being told to us? We aren’t entitled to a game? Neither is anyone else then right? The hypocrisy…


As someone with Cricket and also the authenticator, I can confirm it doesn’t help anything. I’m still not able to access the game. I prepay yearly, so there’s no way in hell I’m switching phone plans in the middle of my billing cycle just to play a watered down 1.5 patch.

Blizzard is never getting a dime from me for any of their products going forward.


If any of you mistakenly bought the Watchpoint pack (like me) cause you thought you would actually get to play the game go get a refund before they start ignoring everyone.


I know this won’t help everyone but it may help some. If you don’t mind being risky with your account Just use a friend or relatives number from your phone (with permission of course). I sadly doubt blizzard will reverse this decision so we are at the point we’ll need to decide. Do we do sketchy crap to continue playing a game we’re basically addicted to or just realize when they deleted OW it was a sign we weren’t meant to keep playing.

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It’s not cricket that’s has to change things to accommodate blizzard, if anything it would be the reverse but that’s besides the point. The point is that blizzard is knowingly losing a chunk of its player base behind because they want players with specific phone providers for a security system that they haven’t even announced until a week prior after people have already made watchpoint pack purchases and now having to contact them for refunds if they even get their money back.

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Blizzard just continues to get more out of touch with reality. I get not wanting a hacker problem in a f2p game as tf2’s spinbots go around. But really like if people have 5-10+ year old accounts with 100-200$+++ spent, and original ow2, the fact they have NOTHING to grandfather it in is just ridicolous.

Bought ow1, now apparently some unneeded pointless sequel is locking it because we switched to a phone app for unlimited calls and text for 0$ vs 2400$ for 4 phone calls over 10 years on a 20$ a month plan (yes, 20$ a month x 12 = 240$/yr, 240$/yr * 10 yr = 2400$ for 4 phone calls, 600$ a phone call at the rates we were using it. Absolutely ridicolous. )


Pre-paid plans pay at the start of a month before you use its services, post paid plans are charged after the month and youre charged for the services you received. companies can make money by sending sms messages so i believe it’s entirely possible that the reason they wont accept pre-paid plans is so they get a cut of the profit from every sms they send you. They can also sell your number to other companies that can then sms you.


It’s monthly payments, but you’re paying for the month ahead, not behind. That’s why there’s no contract. I’m a Cricket user too and you can login to your account to confirm.

But it’s still bogus that we’re being blocked from playing simply because of who we use for cell service. I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2016 and I own several other Blizzard games through too.


bs. you cant force 2FA on users under the guise of “protection” when its actually honestly data collection. when you make so called protection mandatory then its not protection. its deception.


who would have thought that in 2022 you’d be asked for a phone number for competitive multiplayer. excessive data collection. excessively unacceptable. which likely won’t apply to dev accounts. experimental implementation of this unnecessary measure is excessively risky. seeing what ppl will tolerate. i get it.

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I understand this, but at the same time it feels so elitist and awful for people who have been paying monthly plans for Cricket or other companies like them for years.

I feel really bad for you guys who can’t play because you have Cricket. There should be another system for long established players, especially ones with clean records, to be able to use their Cricket number once for one account that has at least a certain amount of hours on it!


I agree as someone with a working phone number, Someone should definitely sue them for this disgrace.

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OR… simply remove the experimental requirement altogether.
we should have known that the reason OW2 is free is bc they were going to do something that we didn’t like. now we get it.

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I originally obtained my number with Verizon in 2005. I have had that number to this very day. Around 2015 I switched to straight talk then I switched to cricket several years ago. Blizzard does not recognize my number as a number that meets the criteria of their new sham of a system. They won’t budge on this issue, look at wrath classic and refusing to adapt to their playerbase’s requests. I’m not switching to another provider to play their game, maybe they could straighten things out with cricket seeing as they’re a large company with significant pull to remedy this massive issue.


Kotaku just put an article out not too long ago regarding this.
If you want another way to be heard maybe post on it as well?

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My boyfriend has metro and his best friend does as well, they both were able to play and log in. I have cricket and I’m sitting here wondering what we did wrong when most cricket contracts by definition are post-paid, they just call themselves pre-paid because that’s a main service they provide.


i have cricket and can’t play OW2 or OW1 now. i hope blizzard goes out of business