Create Effect relative to player and stop it from moving

So, is there any way to create an effect in front of the event player, and to stop it from moving if the player rotates/ moves crosshair/ moves(wasd)?

Yes, set it to a variable first. Whatever the code is, first set that to a variable. This will make it so that it does not reevaluate based off the player, instead it will be based on a variable because it would not change. Let me know if you need the code because I could supply it, or if it doesn’t make sense🙂

It might also be best to set reevaluation to none. (depending on what you’re trying to do)

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Yeah, it worked that way thx ^^

i did that and the effect didnt move with the player anymore but it also was not anywhere near the players position. i think i did it wrong, could you explain in more detail?

The reason the effect wasn’t close to the player likely was because you created the Effect before the player had spawned, which makes the Player Position(0, 0, 0), and since the player variable didn’t update it stood in that place once created.

Changing Position Reevaluation does nothing in that case as the Player Variable didn’t change even if the position would reevaluate.

	Create In-World Text(All Players(All Teams), Custom String("Text Above To the Left"), World Vector Of(Vector(1, 2, 0),
		Event Player, Rotation And Translation), 1, Clip Against Surfaces, Visible To Position and String, Color(White),
		Default Visibility);

The Text will always be 2 Units above the players head, and 1 unit to the left from the players side of view.
You can change the position to your liking in the Vector() Value.

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