Create a stupidly OP buff for the hero that’s above you

Tracer can blink upwards.


Hanzo now shoots actual tree logs


Infinite flight and has the capabilities of jumping on an enemy and gunning it down; similar to her Animated Short.


Orisa can give rides to other heroes and their structures


Freezing also causes hypothermia, which in turn causes a hero to immediately die, no matter the HP.

Soldier: 76

Sprint is his default walk speed, unaffected by hack and Helix rockets are on a 1 second cooldown.

Trainer Bot

No longer says hi back


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Lucio transforms into the Luciocopter and can now heal from above

The security guard from the reveal trailer

ah…good one. I see what you did there.

He has the power of God and anime on his side anyone who tries to hurt him dies


It may work as a nice buff for Sym garbage ult… I mean, not like you can get that shield every time u cross the barrier, just once.

Grapple now has a 4 second CD

Since people keep forgetting to end with a hero so the next person can answer I’ll just restart it.


BOB becomes a Buffed Outstanding BattleMercy and eliminates everyone on the enemy team by flying to them.


I think Photon Barrier is a nice Ult. I’d take any buff to it though.

This thread is so strange…one post is on topic, the next is slightly off topic talking about balance.

Mercy now can instant rez and has 6 charges with no cooldown


Mass Rez is back with immunity for 10 seconds.

Pile Driver no longer has a cool down nor a damage cap on its damage capability.


Winston’s primary now has a range of 20 meters with 100 dps and every hit from Primal rage explodes for 200 damage
