Could we acknowledge that aim is a skill?

Reaper is different as there is a playstyle for him that is non-flanking, so his position when with the team is relevant.

But yes for flanking reaper as well.

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I could see that, s’true.

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None of which stopped her from being a must pick for 3 months with the tank meta.
(And btw, Ana had a negative win rate even then.)

And you really shouldn’t buff Ana’s healing, it’s already too hard to kill anything in this game.

How so? Each one of these heroes cannot be punished for being “out of position” if they die, it is because they chose a bad engagement, or failed to use an escape mechanic.

If the hero cannot be punished for bad positioning, by definition it means they don’t require good positioning.

But if you look at the statistics now, Ana is barley even used meaning, she is in need of help because other healers are outclassing her and the small percentage that do use Ana can use her correctly as opposed to the clear majority that doesn’t? As a healer, she requires a lot of time and if I had to choose between using a healer that can take hits, dish hits, heal and get away from enemy’s attacks? I’d choose them over Ana any day then.

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I dont think “positioning” means what you think it means mate.
Yes they do require positioning and exceptional awareness since they are going to cross angles and sight lines that could get them killed more frecuently than a soldier 76 for example.

Positioning is the place where you are effective and also have survability. Yeah survability is easier if you have escape skills but that doesnt mean you dont require positioning at all, it just “changes” the equation faster between 0 effectiveness 100 surv from 50/50 and 100/0.

Most of the times flankers die getting 1 elim because they go from 0 to 100 instead of 75 etc but thats a different story. Mobility is the factor that allows you to alter that correlation with speed and ease.


I know Ana isn’t good compared to other healers.
But the question is, are the 5 other healers OP, or Ana is weak?
And considering we reached a point, where 3 support is viable, and sustained dps heroes are easily out healed, it’s definitely the former.

To be fair, I feel it’s the latter for reasons.

  1. Lucio has self healing, Mercy has self healing, Zen has self healing, and adding in Moira and Brig too to self healing just means they are just as good now too. Moira is not OP in any way. Brig I heard otherwise, but even then, Ana still isn’t even a choice even with Brig’s nerfs. Any more nerfs to Brig and I feel we will be in a circle with just nerfing heroes simply “because”. Ana is missing self healing and mobility that can help her become more decent I feel and will put her up there with Brig and Moira (Or at least be used way more often)

  2. The fact that Ana had fell off majorly for the time being only shows she will probably stay there until something is done I feel that would have people play her otherwise. If we keep on getting supports that can self heal, have mobility, take hits etc., then Ana will always be the smaller choice.

Also, everyone, including even Ana players are saying she needs buffs to be liable now.

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That’s a good way to put my stance.

Game Sense, Position, Aim are all skills; but, Aim seems to require more effort.

… Positioning can be arguable be as much effort as Aim.

I think we just need the right nerf for Brig.

I personally believe that she should be about making it very easy for her team to kill divers/flankers; but, she herself should not be able to easily secure a pick.

It would make her be much more of a support. A support enables the team to kill divers/flankers much easily than normal.

I believe that would be much better than a support who is a tank and a dps at the same time.

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Because at the time, Ana’s grenade had a 100% bonus healing; doubles healing which was why triple tank was so prevalent until she and the tanks got nerfed. Now that its toned to a balanced level, its shown her flaws.

Ana’s healing is fine, its just her sustainability for herself is the problem which Ana mains are complaining about. One of the reasons why other healers are better than her.

While nerfing Brig I see can happen to calm her down, it doesn’t mean she still won’t be good unless they completely over nerf her, to which, would be bad and put us back a circle with nerfs.

Even then, I still feel Ana will regardless, will not be used as much considering the situation that the new healers give. I think that instead of nerfing heroes, we buff those that need it. I can’t tell you how rare it is for Ana to get PoTG and it’s saddening considering she has some cool highlight intros.

Other healers would still outclass her. If she had some form of mobility (considering she is a sniper and most if not need high ground for reasons) and self healing, she’d be in business.

That also depends on who you looking at when you say that. Higher ranks will be much more punishing than lower ranks for mistakes.

It is always up to the enemy team to punish you for your mistakes. If they don’t punish you; then, you aren’t being “punished for bad positioning”.

  1. The lack of self healing didn’t stop her from dominating the game around her release. It’s moderately inconvenient, but not the biggest issue. It’s the skill requirement difference.
  2. Nerfing other supports would make Ana good, and allow sustained dps characters being viable, solving the sniper meta too.
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Exactly. Ana living longer will help her with healing. It;s just odd seeing a sniper on the ground.

My definition for positioning is not different from yours.

Being as useful as possible and not dying. The right balance of these two.

But high mobility heroes cannot be punished when about to die as they always have that escape mechanic. So by definition positioning is forgiving, I’m not saying all tracers have bad positioning, some can be much better than others, but engagement selection is their skill yes predicting the positional advantages and disadvantages goes into that but if you find yourself in a poor position you can undo.

The difference between a great flanker and a one that gets one kill is the ability to predict all the scenarios from the point where you select your engagement.

Hmmm, I’m not so sure of that. I mean Brig can 1v1 like every hero. I know there are some Brig mains saying that they can 1v1 every tank except Winston. The reason why they can’t 1v1 Winston is because he jumps away.

Again, I think Blizzard just needs to nerf Brig’s pick potential while keeping her stun potential as it is. Remove her ability to secure picks; but, allow her to make it easy for her allies to secure a pick… Particularly on players that are flanking or diving the her and her allies.

Yea; but, tracer is a flanker. Someone behind the enemy team. That mobility allows her to get into the team, farm ult or finish a kill; then, get out safely.

If she messes up or gets hacked by a Sombra she’s dead.

She needs mobility to do her job. She can still be punished by getting stunned or hacked.

To answer the question Ana is weak and needs help. The hole OW community and the devs know that. The other healers are not OP they are in line. Mercy is because of Rez outstanding but other the her the support roster is balanced.

You know what outclassed the other DPS? Hanzo. And he is a aim intensive hero that is OP because he don’t have a downside.

Also to the topic: Aim is a skill and I have never seen someone that also says something different. And now to the categories:

If a DPS is played poorly nothing dies.

If a Tank is played poorly your team gets beaten by ults and dies to fast.

If a healer is played poorly your team just dies.

You can lose a DPS because the team is not dieing instantly but if you lose other parts you team suffers. That’s just logic.

And now: I have to say as a player that played a lot of heroes even in the damage slot I have to say that Brigitte was needed and the best addition because we needed something vs tracer and genji. If they nerf hanzo we are in a good state.

Oh and I forgot: Brigitte is not dominating the game anymore. It is hanzo after she got her nerfs.


This scenario is also irrelevant of the flankers positioning.
If any escape mechanic is hacked the flanker is dead, generally.

(also from your other post rank is irrelevant as the flanker and opposing team will have similar rank. A GM team’s punishing ability against a GM flanker should be similar to a silver team’s punishing ability to a silver flanker.)