Could we acknowledge that aim is a skill?

Aiming is merely one skill of many required to excel at this game. Game sense and quick decision making are no less imperative. As are teamwork and communication. A hero only countered by good aim (pharah and lucio come to mind as the closest) is a waste of game mechanics. Such a hero would run amuck in low levels and be useless at high levels. Purposely creating a hero like that is just bad game design.

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No one is saying otherwise about these. Aim just isn’t THE ONLY Skill. Some non aim heroes still have to have way more skill in other areas areas other heroes that require aim don’t need as much skill in. Widowmaker is like 90% aim the other 10% is basically knowing sniper spots and target priority but not much else. while rein is almost no aim but he needs way more awareness, shield management, when to use what ability without endangering your teammates or yourself, how to build ult charge effectively, not take too much poke damage/require lots of healing, create space, etc

um aiming isn’t a counter. it’s just how you get kills every hero can be “countered” by aiming bc it kills them. tracer you need to watch out for her blinks but aiming is required same with genji too but less so.

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The support class includes many of the easiest heroes in the game.
And I say that as someone whose 3rd most played hero is Mercy.

My response

Auto-collapse so people don’t have to scroll through the same text twice because you choose to ignore it.

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Instead you have heroes whom you actually can’t win without, but the majority of the people don’t even like to play them.
I feel like you ignore actual balance issues over perceived ones in a theoretical scenario.

yeah, i’m not saying i agree with all of the conclusions drawn in this thread (because i don’t), but i know some of the comments that spawned this thread. it was the idea that having multiple high skill heroes (in this case, ones that require situational awareness, positioning, cooldown management… and yes, aim) being good makes the game “colourful counterstrike”, and this being painted as somehow a bad thing.

that’s just absurd to me. having people who are renowned for their aim in other titles able to come in and do incredibly well in this game once they come to grips with how the game works should never be a negative. like it or not, this is a shooter, and a large portion of the playerbase plays this game because they like to aim, they practice it, and having heroes that reward that being referenced as a pejorative is just… i don’t even know why you would want that.


But that’s also the reason people complain about the meta, no? That’s why people hated dive, and why they dislike the new meta as well.

I mean, that raises an interesting question. How skillful did you think the game was when Widowmaker was constantly getting dived by Tracer, Genji, Winston and D.Va?

There is legit criticism to the game. But it’s not about aim-based skills alone.


It’s more like people who can use a scope think it’s the only skill you need, which is a self-0wn

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You wont, but there would be other people who will.

But what would constitute as ‘poor design’? Them having to not aim, having a low skill ceiling? What you consider poor subjectively is different from everyones else’s subjective.

What should be taken into consideration regardless of low/ high skill or aim is what they can bring into the table. While creating a hero, what can this DPS/ Tank/ Support bring to the table that can change the outcome of the game. What influence would they have and what heroes would still be strong against them.

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Now lets expose the hypocrisity of this thread:

  1. Aim is rewarded in Overwatch. Players that can aim very well already have absolute edge over others.

  2. If you complain about “no skill” heroes this means either
    a) your aim is not as good as you believe it to be. As most hitscan heroes you should ALWAYS win against any “no skill” hero, because you have headshots. You will NOT lose to moira/symmetra/winston/torbjorn/whatever. If you do lose to their “noskill” it means you lack skill to consistently utilize your aim advantage and headshot them. Even Mercy is hell deadly with her pistol and could pwn Genji if you could actually AIM her shots consitently to score headshots.
    b) Your OTHER skills are insufficient - positioning, coordination with teemmates, map awareness: so you let yourself be cornered and killed by “no skill”.

TLDR: AIM already gives you a cheat weapon, if you lose to symmetra/moyra it simply means your aim or composure sucks and you should work more on it, because in any situation it takes you less time to kill them as them to kill you.


Buff Flashbang range from 5 to 10 meters and you would get your counter.

Doesn’t everyone already acknowledge aim is a skill?

Flashbang should be redesigned not buffed.

I think you misunderstand something. Is it normal that a 38% accuracy McCree (good but not godlike aim) playing at Plat rank can be perma countered by a silver Braguette spamming shield bash and hammer? I don’t think so. You shouldn’t need Pine’s accuracy (and the babbysitting from pro players) in order to become efficient.

The more Blizzard add easy to play and efficient heroes (Moira, Braguette) the less aim is rewarded no matter the rank.

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Of course it is normal. Why the hell would McRee be at Brigittes melee raneg?


Brigitte used W.
It’s super effective.

Slayer makes me laugh.

Widow is super freaken easy to play granted you have the aim and know the map angles.

You are often far from any real danger with an easy escape tool.

You never have to worry about your team at all and your only real concern is lining up your scope.

Tons of heros require way more skill then widow will ever need as they require more awareness, excellent tracking, and are far more vulnerable to mistakes.

Lucio comes to mind right off the bat.

No need to be so harsh. I agree with some points in concept, but as a Lúcio main, I don’t think Lúcio is harder than Widow.

Widow is a difficult hero. Yes, she has certain safetys, but that is just to balance her high skillfloor.

oh hey its you again! i agree and people (normally one trick mercys) say well aim is easy to master
pfft yah sure that’s why everyone in overwatch league has 100% accuracy
cause its so easy to master
and they act like just because a character has to aim means we dont have to have game sense
actually we have to have game sense AND aiming AND positioning ect.
I can stand behind a rein and Brigitte shield and call it masterful positioning too ya know.

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That doesn’t change the issue. Hook is 21 meters, doesn’t mean he can successfully hook Tracer all the time.