(Corona) ALL OWL events in March-April cancelled!

Not to mention that every dollar they lose on OWL will make the progression of developing OW2 worse. Those who want OWL dead currently are against of getting OW2 faster and in a more complete shape.


What kind of person wishes that someone else gets a deadly virus?
Think about what you just said…

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Why aren’t you in OWL, God Emperor of Mankind?

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Putin already prevented a Corona Virus outbreak in Russia, what false god are you refferring to?

If only there was some kind of international computer network…

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That had a latency less than 30ms… that would be a pretty damn good idea. Sadly we’re still in the 21st century.

It’s a shame you wish a company would die and tens of thousands of people lose their jobs. Really good person you are.

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The situation will not be better by may… This pandemic will peak in the coming months and will last for up to 2 years untill a vaccine or effective treatment is found. This is Pandemic, it will not get better anytime soon… that ship sailed long time ago.