Continuous False Reports

I am arguing that you can’t get your money back because Blizzard basically has in the EULA/TOS/whatever that they can do as they please. You agreed to it, get over it.

EDIT: For clarity, having a computer auto ban counts as “doing as they please”.

lolz…TOS does not mean that they cannot be sued NOR does it mean it’s some magic thing that keeps them from being liable for their system that keeps those who paid for their game to play. If the system bans someone, when it is NOT legitimized, then yes they can be held liable if the user so chooses. A class action would be better obviously, but the end result would still not go in Blizzards favor if proven their system does ban those who should not be banned. Just simple law.


Right, anyone can sue for just about anything. That doesn’t mean they’ll win the suit.

I don’t think you know much about the law, either. It sounds like your view of law is more akin to kindergarten where everything is fair and everyone wins and nobody loses.

Really depends, but a TOS does NOT grant immunity from that. That’s all I’m saying and if proven, then yes a class action can win.

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dont even argue with the people filing false reports. i argue with them and i ended up getting suspended 2 times for defending myself against people threatening to file false reports. its a lose lose situation.


I probably see “please report xxxx” maybe once a season. If you are seeing it more than that then you know it’s you.

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If you’re getting reported for ‘hero choice’ as you say you are. Then you definitely aren’t telling the truth/full story.

Because I’ve yet to get even a warning of being reported yet:

So how about this- Stop lying to us and clean up your attitude whilst in-game.

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You pick a hero people do not consider a throw pick. Junkrat was and is always a strong hero pick as a DPS. You have high damage and pick potential, your ultimate can change the entire match and you have high mobility and are not situational.

If you pick Widow, Symetra, Torb, Sombra only (to name a few) people assume that you will have a negative impact on their game as your hero choice is often suboptimal or requires the team to play around you.

I can tell from my friends who play heros like Sombra, Symetra or Torb only that got the warning of getting banned for gameplay sabotage not throwing any match! While i did play Cree instalock for this season only and did not get any notification

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And for OP:

The system is as people said purely automatic. If you reach a certain number of reports withing a certain amount of time your account gets banned. Blizzard does not prohibit people from reporting as much as they want. This means that there is kinda no “false reporting”, as it can not be detected by the system.
This is also why people will sometimes report you in the spawnroom just for fun/your pick as they do not have to fear punishment.

If you get banned good luck contacting the support. A friend of mine was a Sombra only player who got banned for 24 h and when he contacted the support they told him he should consider playing more around the team and that some picks might be situational. On the other hand the report system states that picking a certain hero does not mean you are obligated to get banned.

In the end you have 2 options: Continue to play what you like and risk getting a ban. Switch up heros from time to time to decrese reports/playtime and maybe communicate before matches which hero you would like to play


I’ve 1 tricked him since season 2: When he did self damage and was a ‘throw’ pick.
Never got banned or suspended because my pick. So if anyone knows the reality behind these ‘banned because “hero pick”’ it’s me, because I have been banned- Because I used to be extremely toxic and deserved it, not because my hero pick.

That is your personal problem. I did one-trick heros all along but never a hero that is hated as much as Widow, Sym or Torb in low elo. I have friends that /hidechat and are not in voice, do not jump of the map or emote spam who got a warning or a 24h ban solely because of their hero picks.
I often see people tilt in the spawn room and report someone as they picked symetra on the attack side of a map. Now imagine said player gets 2 reports per match for his hero pick -> boom ban after 1 week as the system is 100 % purely automatic. There is noone checking on the reports. People write profanities in the field where you can give the details why you reported and they did not get banned (showing that noone reads that).

It might be that OP is toxic and raging and thus getting a suspension, but the simple fact that the system is abused and people are reported in spawn is happening from personal experience. I dare you to try and play attack Torb or Symetra for the next 2 weeks only and you will get a notification about being reported to often. Even if you are the kindest person on earth

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wtf is this toxic post. How about YOU stop telling others what to do!!!

LOL another “TOXIC CRIER” lol.


FYI AeroCrypt is right.

I got a comp ban for 48 hrs because my team decided I sucked at widow and was throwing
because I had no hours on her, they convinced the enemy and i ate like 10 reports.

My 5.75 elims/life meant nothing (it was 6.something before that game).

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well wouldn’t a publicly accessible scoreboard have kept you from said ban then ?

5.75 elims per life would be an awesome KDR
and i’m sure you wouldn’t have been banned if there was a scoreboard in this case

but we have the shiny medal system
they hide poor performance with

and because they lost
you were the one to blame
sad state of affairs this game is in

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I played a bunch of Torb on another account because I tried him out seriously and really liked him and saw his potential for skillful play. I decided to try and master him and make him work in the majority of scenarios, which I believe I’m getting close to doing.

56% win rate, upwards SR trend, ranked around #70 of all comp Torbs with public profiles on overbuff, that account is now on a career high and almost overtaken my main account’s SR. Most games I get three golds. That account has now been suspended due to a huge amount of false reports. I’m getting Doomfists reporting me for not switching to deal with Pharah. Torb does ok against her anyway dude. I’m getting people switching OFF of heals and tanks because they see a Torb on their team. I’m getting people spewing abuse at me in all forms because they see a Torb on their team, I’ve had to just leave voice now because of all the abuse, I report it and nothing happens. I’m seeing people literally throwing and/or leaving because they see a Torb on their team. THEY are the ones guilty of report abuse and gameplay sabotage, not me.

Report system is broken. People just hate Torb even when he does well. Screw you, false reporters.
Stop underestimating the engineers, they’re giving it all they’ve got.


If OW Team are actually making the rumored OW 2 then please consider this:
If the amount of Endorsements out weighs the reports in a single game,
then they are ignored.

That one troll who reports everyone cant hinder the experience for others that way.

you could have posted on the account that you are talking about. I bet a quick look over your profile could explain why you got reported. I wouldn’t be shocked if you had 12 death average a game as fist diving back line solo maybe killing 1 and dying yourself (feeding)

Oh, that’s my average. That game I did really bad because I tend to miss shots when my team is full of crybabys.
Not giving free SR to dumb dumbs is better than winning. Still got potg though

I also haven’t even gotten a warning this season. I have mained attack/defend Bastion. My attitude was positive and was calling flanks. It’s all about your attitude and what you do in game. If people see you doing work they normally say nothing and sometimes that still doesn’t matter. I remember a game I had this season it was attack gib. just before we got the score at the end to go up 3-0 someone on my team says “can the bastion swap, I don’t think it’s working” I open my mouth with, I have 25 kills no deaths" they shut up. Finished that round 36-1 my death came from a high noon :frowning: