Continuous False Reports

Have been harassed constantly in comp games and falsely reported b/c of my hero picks. Doesn’t matter who it is but typically its if i play doomfist, tjorb, genji, or sombra. Why are these players not being silenced or banned, but the ones being falsely reported are??


Overything in Overwatch Comp is broken.

The match making, the servers, the heros, the MMR system and SR system.

Did you expect them to get the repoeting systwm correct?


Your spelling is broken too :slight_smile:

Because investing in examining for report validity would be costly.
They chose money over their players. Not saying it’s an evil choice or anything, but it’s that simple.


True however that can get them in trouble when players are not allowed to play the game they purchased. If it gets bad enough I could see a lawsuit for players not allowed to do what they paid to do. Regardless, it’s way out of control.

Also, I was just reported again for playing doomfist lol i mean seriously. It’s like if you lose a game, everybody finds that one person to blame and just reports them for throwing. I mean wtf

It does blow that people cant really play what they want always. However, i have never had this issue simply because i can flex any role.

Instalockers of the dps will always draw hate. Reality of this game.

There is no way of knowing who and how reported you, so your post is based on wrong assumption

are you kidding me those that abuse it constantly type
“plz report x for x” you see it all the time in ladder

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lolz they literally type it in chat…THAT’S how I know. smh


I agree with this entirely, I get abuse fairly often simply for just maining Pharah.

I can see in games that my team abuses me means that I play worse, I even see the same outcome when someone else gets abused by another person, they just play worse. Its not encouraging, it is just down right shooting yourself and the team mate in the foot for no good reason other than to “help” you with your own crappy attitude.

I get huge numbers of report confirmations but I get the feeling that they come back and do it again or they go onto a smurf.

Jeff, please, you really need to have some stricter rules around comp, particularly at higher ranks, these people are never going to change by banning them on a video game. More permanent bans need to be given and the bans need to be by hardware ID to remove people from just getting another account.

The report and ban system NEEDS another look, I know this can be done easily and won’t cost anything more in terms of day to day costs than what you pay now.

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Yup. Report system is broken. Blizzard pls fix this.

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I actually play all of those heroes rather regulary and people don’t flame me or say they will report me because of it, even when losing.

At very best they might question my torb or symmetra picks but I often explain to them what my plan is and it usually works (I do have like 70-80% winrate with both those two after all so this season…), only one of those heroes on your list I have negative winrate with is Sombra and I’m not the best Sombra player I must admit, I’m not the worst one either and I’ve been practicing deathmatch some lately in order to get better but I know how to be very annoying, communicate and all that so people can look past my ability not to play her like some GM smurfing for the lulz of it in plat.

The amounts of people who call me a cheater is significantly higher than those who call me a thrower, I’d say it happens less than once every 100 games that someone thinks I’m the reason for losing due to a specific hero pick and not trying my best and say “report this bla bla please”.

So something tells me you might deserve the potential reports you’re getting because if you communicate with your team, is friendly and actually once every now and then say “ok, if it don’t work I’ll do something else”. If you play bad or the opposite team counters you maybe just take the last minutes of the game to play something that might turn it around instead of going on a full blown rampage on you being right to play torb as much as you want, would that be too bad really?
Now sometimes you might be doing good with a hero but one or more of your teammates might have missed that and say “can you pick something more useful?”, now instead about going on about medals you could simply state

“Could you elaborate please because I’ve gotten 1 entry fragged and taken out their main heal before she’s gotten any value off and me dying in every single fight now and I have spawn advantage with doomfist so please tell me a hero you think I could do better with because I don’t know which one that would be personally, maybe we need to follow up once I’ve taken out those abit better or work on our communication instead? Maybe the lack of not having a shield tank is the real issue because like I said, you have 5v4 fights every time with 1 healer short on their side on top of that while I’m back before both of those two can be”

Ok that would be an extensive conversation but if you would keep it along those lines, simply take one for the team and switch or kindly say that you’re doing the best to your ability and don’t see how you could do any better but are open to suggestions while might suggesting a few changes of your own which might help instead of going in with the freedom of choice all mighty ruler of all attitude. Also if someone questioning you and your ability to play a hero but you know you’ve done good, another trick that don’t come off as arrogant or rude is asking the opponents “My team says I’ve done nothing this game, do you think so as well? What do I need to work on?” because if you play let’s say Sombra that constantly pokes around in the backline you often don’t get too many kills but you might make the game a living hell for their supports. Now if you ask the question correctly they will feel insulted by your teammates and say something nice about you like you’re the only good player in your team and that you would have won several fights if they would have pushed when you started poking around.

So as long as you communicate, being friendly and show some team spirit. Now when I say team spirit I don’t mean you should switch simply because someone asks, if you feel you have merit to your argument in which you are contributing a lot and see another solution to the problem you can present it and it’s up to them to beat that argument or do what you’re suggesting.

Jeff said that it’s a very thin line between freedom of choosing what you want to play and being disruptive in an interview and that even though you are free to play whatever you want you should try to do what’s best for the team. Now this is confusing since it’s so contradicting, now add words as toxic behavior, feeding and being disruptive in the report description and people will interpret it in various ways, anyone coming from a competitive background would see one-tricking as a indirect bannable offense since it’s toxic to waste your teammates time by throwing a game by being a disruptive element (someone that don’t contribute which leaves you playing 5v6 essentially) and at the same time feeding the opponents by charging up their ultimates faster.

So you see, it’s not black and white, it’s extremely gray, which blizzard themself acknowledged. I think it was in the same interview in which Jeff said it’s a thin line that he also mentioned that even though they don’t ban for one-tricking alone it might increase your chances of being banned for something else.

Now I can only speculate what he meant by that but my guess is that the system expects people to get a certain amount of reports, it’s a fact, we all get reported every now and then.
Now in an automated system the credability of someone that reports people a lot probably sink like a stone, like if you report someone for cheating over and over yet warden never manage to find anything that support that your reports eventually have no merit to them whatsoever.
Now someone that rarely reports people but often get it right has a much higher credability. The same way that having 5 different individual solo queuers report you is valued more than if a stack of 5 did.

Like there’s so many parameters involved and the system will try to match data stored about you and match the reports to that. I’d assume things like flagged words, times blocked, times put on peoples avoid list and so on help the system to interpret the reports.

Now like I previously mentioned, credability plays a part in this since people with high credability who end up being pissed enough to bother reporting you is probably what tips the scale from “being suspect” to “ok, let’s give this guy a warning or he’s had enough”. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.

But is still does not deny what i said. They just type it, does not mean they actually did it.

when reporting is as easy as a right click and not filling in anything

you want to argue weather or not someome actually reported ?

are you kidding yourself or something

if there typeing for a rally of reports they have already reported


The most American sentence you’ll ever find!

You must pick reaper or junkrat as your dps choice.

There’s no repercussion for false reports. So, I’m pretty sure they absolutely do report players if they type it.


I know for a fact that blizzards reporting system is flawed. I have intentionally fed, said everything that other games would ban you for, and yet, not even a warning. Nothing bad has happened to my account, and I continue to make ranked games terrible for my team because I’m not playing properly.

of course, I make it look Like I’m trying… for instance, wrecking ball into the middle of the team, stuff like that. making it hard for blizzard to tell that I’m making the game unfun for my team. Hell, I even admitted it in chat to the enemy like “you’re welcome for the easy win” before I leave.

This is a problem that keeps overwatch as “the game that got replaced by fortnight”, well that and a terrible ranked system, but that’s another topic.

The point of this is two fold, to prove that blizzard doesn’t punish when they need to, but to also show that it’s difficult to show actual intent to feed if they do it the right way…

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Wait, so you think people actually have a case against Blizzard? They only ban people for not complying with the TOS…which they have already agreed to. I’m not sure how well a case of “I broke the rules and then they threw the book at me so I want to sue them” is going to go down.

But they’re “false reports” so you didn’t actually break the TOS. Well, Blizzard reserves the right to ban players as they see fit. So, nobody has a case.

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NO…they actually state that the system auto bans you. NOT an individual, which as we know is VERY abusable. Not only that, but they rarely look at your account to see if it has been falsely banned. It’s been discussed and proven time and time again. And that is b/c they do not have the manpower to even remotely look at all accounts. Therefore, the system is broken and routinely bans people from the game b/c of false reports. And if proven, which it can be, a user can get their money back for the game realistically.