Continued latency issues making the game rubber band

80ms connected to ORD1 servers but impossible to move, physics rubber banding all over the map, abilities lagging out and an entirely unplaybale experience.

I guess that’s what I get for paying into this BS shallow gambling simulator made by a company who wants their FPS Esport to have no skill whatsoever.

How else do you explain the insanely biased regional hosting distribution, lack of servers compared to competitors and constantly terrible customer service?

I mean, I’d love to give the devs some credit, but the only thing they deserve is losing all their fans to the swaths of better games coming.

I have my ISP coming over yet again, because Blizzards best advice to point the finger at anyone else and avoid any responsibility what so ever. If there is anything I’m missing feel free to try and help? I’d appreciate some genuine help here instead of the ignorance from this company.


I’m not able to provide any good technical support, but you use ethernet correct?

I know that you know this forum is for troubleshooting only, not airing grievances. I feel like the staff was very thorough and answered everything last time. If you wanna post up a WinMTR, I’ll look, but let’s keep it civil.

P.S. Don’t add commentary to unrelated threads :frowning:

@Nicole I’m trying to trouble shoot, and yeah if you or Blizz don’t like my opinions maybe they should stop treating their users like this. If you host a bad service that doesn’t work and is biased against the majority of your player base, don’t be surprised when you get called out on your BS.

Further more, following your link to a previous discussion, nothing was answered in that forum, just ignorance to the issues that not only I was facing. I was left with the same unplayable game I had before that post. I uninstalled for a few weeks before wanting a to play another quick arena game, and found that the problems persisted, at varying scales. As they always have, 60-80 ms and the game is either an inconsistent and delayed representation of the game, or a total unplayable mess.

@XHelper yes I’m on wired ethernet

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Yeah, you know I don’t work for them and I’m a volunteer. You defaced my community welcome post that explained that a while back.

I also don’t see a network test for troubleshooting.

Funny enough, that showed up in my feed and I never even realized it was old until after it was removed XD. I didn’t go seek it out, and I have nothing against you Nicole, I even tried to leave you a genuine congratulations in that message, the rest wasn’t intended to deface anything, but to call attention to the issues Blizzard is ignoring.

Again, it’s a shame your working harder for these fools than they are. You should be on the payroll at this rate, I don’t know what else you gain from it but that’s all fine.

Here is a brand new MTR to the LAX1 servers, not that Blizzard can even do anything with this and it’s simply an excuse to point the finger at ISP’s, next I’ll have to post a DxDiag despite having done so dozens of times already and never getting any helpful solutions as a result. Cause you know, hardware that runs stable and cool at full load under benchmarks are know to cause latency issues…

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                  -    0 |  486 |  486 |    0 |    0 |    9 |    0 |
|                   -    0 |  486 |  486 |    3 |    4 |   16 |    4 |
|      -    0 |  486 |  486 |   18 |   18 |   34 |   19 |
|                   -    0 |  486 |  486 |   18 |   22 |   78 |   46 |
|     -    3 |  391 |  381 |   43 |  309 | 4774 |   46 |
| -    0 |  486 |  486 |   44 |   47 |  110 |   45 |
| -    0 |  486 |  486 |   44 |   46 |  103 |  102 |
| -    0 |  486 |  486 |   42 |   50 |  154 |   46 |
|     -    0 |  486 |  486 |   42 |   43 |   60 |   43 |
|                  -    0 |  486 |  486 |   43 |   44 |   59 |   43 |
|________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______| or
is located in the UK, which brings this in with all the other reports that have been coming up in the past few days, and many of which were closed prematurely…

IP Address:
Name: TELUS-154-11-0-0
Handle: NET-154-11-0-0-1
Registration Date: 2/5/92
Org: TELUS Communications Inc.
Org Handle: TACE
Address: 10 - 3777 Kingsway
City: Burnaby
State/Province: BC
Postal Code: V5H-3Z7
Country: Canada

As I understand, you’re unhappy with the 80ms ping. This Telus node quoted above is hitting 78ms, using data from the test you provided. Before you connect to any Blizzard server, you’d already be at ~80ms. You can look up the IP on your own here:

Geolocations for hostnames are not updated often. Their country/location can sometimes be incorrect for years, so I’m not sure where those nodes are specifically.

And yet it’s the hop right after with the concerning numbers and that’s a worst value, where the average latency to the telus hop being fairly consistent at 18…

Furthermore, I would be fine playing at 80ms if it was comparable to other games that play stable at even worse speeds. Rocket leagues doesn’t bounce around and rubber band unless it spikes, OW doesn’t need to spike to be completely unplayable. The issue is less with the numbers and more with the ignorance towards paying customers, if they don;t want to provide a service that even remotely close to their competitors, why are they even trying?

That was fully explained in the thread I linked above.

A “worst value” still affects your overall ping. I’m not certain what motivation you believe I have to mislead you. I have no monetary interests at play here, so I sincerely don’t care whose fault it is; I’m just reading the data. Maybe the staff will have more insight!

They provide stable servers for the game (a few blips here and there), and free support in their forum or through their ticketing system. They don’t provide or have any bearing on a player’s internet service.

yeah, these numbers show that there is a doubling in latency at the hop between Telus and Blizzard, the worst value is further from the average than the best, so this would not pin latency at 80ms.

The previous thread talked about packet loss, and sure the subsequent hops don’t show the same loss, but thats not what I’m even referring to…

They provide a total of 5 regional hosts world wide, and they use AWS to fill in the gaps, where most eSports have 20-25 regional hosts. Even those with coffers only a fraction of Blizzards put more effort into hosting a fair experience for a world wide market where Blizzard, prefers to advantage it’s players in key areas while brushing everyone else under the rug. All the more reason why this isn’t an esport as much as a casino for kids, same with OWL being a poorly disguised ponzi scheme.

There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of players who can’t play this game fairly, and Blizzard refuses to acknowledge or improve it. Many of whom wont think twice about it and move onto a game that actually provides a fair service. At least I’ve taken the time, lots of time, to troubleshoot and seek out solutions. To bad that is wasted on this company.

I shouldn’t be the first to tell you that the industry is leaving you behind, and the customers are already following.

I want more hosts too, but info about server locations is available before purchase. I play on ORD, but from much farther away than you. My ping is generally 56ms. I wish there was a closer server for sub-30ms ping, but there also needs to be people on those servers for matchmaking, otherwise you get placed on another one anyway.

Again, not an employee of Blizzard :slight_smile:

Blizzard is under no restrictions in how they match make, they choose to make it so that some players are always advantaged and others are never advantaged. They could just as easily move players on East or West coast hosts, and triangulate to a more optimal AWS host central to all players in the match. They already leverage AWS for south america and this doesn’t require full data centers to implement…

I have to speak broadly here, I know your not an employee and I’m not trying to make your day any harder, Blizzard and Blizzard alone has the power to improve this game, and they refuse and feign ignorance.

ISP’s and the hiccups that come with them will always be a thing, that’s understandable. What isn’t is how the problem is just compounded by the lack of hosts and the very specific design that has been enforced here.

Semantics aside, I am here to troubleshoot this issue specifically, despite showing 80ms latency, 20ms higher than usual, the game is an unplayable mess where I can’t move in the game world environment.

Unless someone has a better idea, the only sensible resolution I have here, is to just leave it alone and hope it goes away.

As I said, I already have my ISP coming in today to check out the modem, I’ve been having other bandwidth (not latency) related issues this week anyways and am having them relocate the modem so I can get another ISP to come hook up a second private network connection, same as I had in BC and for work purposes, not gaming.

I don’t expect this to solve anything related to this issue however, and I have submitted this MTR to Telus, but as with previous submissions, I don’t expect to ever hear anything back on the topic.

Sorry for the frustrated rant this morning, I have trouble moving past the larger issues at play here and focusing on the specific problem at hand sometimes. Really it’s nothing personal, I continue to reach out and discuss these topics openly, as respectfully as I can, without any real spite or malicious intention.

My motivations are genuinely to achieve a better experience, but there are so many issues in trying to do so… I really don’t know how to best approach this issue and I really don’t have the right answer here, I don;t mean to sound critical or as if I know better for Blizzard, I don;t know what’s happening internally except for what news makes it public… I have made some edits to make this discussion more civil.

IT’S your internet. STOP BLAMING BLIZZARD and fix your own problems.

I take care of my internet and hardware just fine, this discussion isn’t about blaming or finger pointing, it’s another attempt at trouble shooting deep and serious flaws that are preventing the game from playing correctly and is seemingly getting worse.

It’s a persistent issue that doesn’t seem to have a straight forward solution and no “fix” has been able to prevent the constant and sometimes drastic effects of gameplay degradation.

Thanks for your 2 cents though \s

You know how many MTR’s i’ve submitted and never once got a solution for it?

Do you guys just sell your customers hardware info?

Hey there Epic,

Those IP location lookup services use where the IP is registered to, not an actual physical location. That is a peering node Equinix uses located in Seattle. Equinix is a network provider that your ISP peers with to route the signal to places it needs to go.

In any case, the network actually looks pretty great. Was the lag/rubberbanding happening while this test was running? If not, it may not contain the data we need.

If the lag was happening while this test was running, that means the root problem is something treating game data differently than the test data. In which case we’d want to focus on programs or settings labeled Quality of Service, Connection Optimization, Network Prioritization, or other similar items.

Here are a few common ones:

  • Dell SmartByte. Disable this one in the SmartByte menu if you have any Dell products.
  • Killer Control Center. Open up the Killer interface, the disable “Advanced Stream Detect”
  • HP Connection Optimizer. Requires uninstall and system restart.

Keep in mind those are just a few common examples! There are others out there too for sure.

If you’ve checked everything you can think of and there’s still rubberbanding, please open a support ticket. Link them to this forum thread and let them know what you’ve tried so far.

Hey Kal,

The IP location for that server may not be located in the UK, but the registered info is and that same info can be found on a number of posts when this was originally posted. I saw 2 other discussions going on, one closed and one waiting, around the time I posted this.
All I was pointing out with this is that this issue isn’t just affecting me.

This network is honestly great, for everything except OW apparently. I never lag in almost any other game, except ones that have servers halfway across the continent or even further. I don’t know why you guys insist on pushing this as even remotely decent when your own client is constantly flickering yellow warning icons on the left… In any case, you’re the only company with user base this large and a reach this limited. That’s far from great for most users.

No this MTR was done in the time after shutting down the client due to being rendered entirely unplayable, but even during this, the netgraph and latency was unchanged and looked pretty average.

Previous MTR’s during these issues have yielded nothing your peers took interest in either.

I’ve had similar, but less intense issues each time playing since posting this thread, and have tried everything to get it feeling consistent. The best way I could describe it is like every 2 seconds, there is a 30~300ms lag that occasionally spikes and makes the game rubber band, my client constantly feels like this, but most of the time it’s playable, other times its impossible to control movement until it subsides, usually spooling down back into a playable state for a short period before doing it again, if ot even goes away.

The only thing I have to go on here is that it seems to be influenced by specific players, but I’m not sure. Every time this gets bad, I usually have at least one player in the game who “stands out”, not for skill but because of something weird that set off a red flag. I try to ask players like this about latency as much as possible and have gotten a pretty random range of answers, but more often than not, they are playing at one extreme or another, <16ms or >200…

I took some time to run through everything again, after my ISP replaced my faulty modem and managed to solve my bandwidth issues.

This didn’t help anything on OW however.

So far I’ve done a clean install, double checked the network and firewall settings and ensured there is no QOS or similar rules, applications or interference in any way.

I do have Killer Control installed as part of my driver package but keep it off and have always had all startup rules cleared. The setting for stream detect did happen to be on when I connected the killer port, but I tend to stick with the intel port for other reasons. After extensive testing with this, it doesn’t seem to have an affect on game performance, in any configuration.

I keep my runtime cleared and the only applications running apart from the OS, is iCue, Nvidia, and sometimes your launcher or steam. The most resource consuming of which is the launcher, so I usually close this and steam once I notice. Everything else is a typical service and checks out with my security suite.

I have tested each of these individually and none of them influence the rubber banding and connection drop outs.

I’ll put in another support ticket when I have time, but I’ll be busy with more important things for most of this week.

Best I can tell, this isn’t so much a latency issue as it’s just your servers being unable to adequately provide service. No offense, but when you invest so little into your games infrastructure and your entire strategy is simply cash grab after cash grab, it’s no wonder this game plays so badly and feels like this.